Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Cares, Juan; Sagredo Urra, Karen; Cooper Cortés, Tomás; Retamales Aranda, Julio (ISHS, 2014)
      Cherry trees display vigorous upright growth, which tends to reduce precocity, flower bud formation and fruit quality. Three trials were performed in the 2010-2011 season on mature ‘Lapins’ and ‘Sweetheart’ sweet cherry ...
    • Cooper Cortés, Tomás; Gargiullo Astudillo, Antonella; Streif, J.; Retamales Aranda, Julio (2007)
      Despite the importance of calcium content and the effects of calcium applications in many fruit species, no clear relationship between fruit Ca content and early softening is established in kiwifruit. Diverse results ...
    • Cooper Cortés, Tomás; González, L.; Retamales Aranda, Julio (2008)
      Since several years it’s common practice to apply CPPU (synthetic cytokinin) in kiwifruit to obtain increased fruit size. However, conflicting results have been reported regarding fruit behaviour during postharvest life. ...
    • Cooper Cortés, Tomás; Gargiullo Astudillo, Antonella; Retamales Aranda, Julio; Streif, J. (2005)
      Early softening is the main problem for the exports of Chilean kiwi fruit. It has been related to orchard condition and to harvest and postharvest handling. In this investigation, experiments were carried out to test the ...
    • Cooper Cortés, Tomás; Gargiullo Astudillo, Antonella; Retamales Aranda, Julio (2007)
      Early softening is the main problem for the exports of Chilean kiwifruit. It has been related to orchard, harvest and postharvest factors. Therefore, a 4-year project is being carried out to study the problem comprehensively, ...