Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Meneses, Claudio; Ulloa Zepeda, Lissette; Cifuentes Esquivel, Alejandra; Infante Espiñeira, Rodrigo; Cantin, Celia M.; Batlle, Ignasi; Arus, Pere; Eduardo, Iban (Springer, 2016)
      The peach [Prunus persica L. (Batsch)] slow ripening (SR) trait is a mutation preventing the normal ripening process. Individuals with this phenotype are discarded in peach breeding programs. This trait is determined by a ...
    • Reginato Meza, Gabino; Pinto, C.; Infante Espiñeira, Rodrigo (International Society for Horticultural Science, 2017)
      In order to optimize fruit thinning of canning peaches, considering yield and pulp fraction or canned fruit as a function of crop load, a model to estimate crop value was built using the software Stella®. Since crop value ...
    • Herranz, Mari Carmen; Niehl, Annette; Rosales, Marlene; Fiore, Nicola; Zamorano Carrasco, Alan; Granell, Antonio; Pallas, Vicente (BioMed Central, 2008-05-28)
      Background: Microarray profiling is a powerful technique to investigate expression changes of large amounts of genes in response to specific environmental conditions. The majority of the studies investigating gene expression ...