Now showing items 3827-3846 of 7550

    • Rocha Façanha, Agebson; Carneiro Araújo, Maria da Conceição; Viana, Windson; Sánchez, Jaime (Springer Verlag, 2018)
      This paper addresses the accessibility challenges of people with motor impairments regarding their access to the computer. Our focus is a new mouse design, which in its traditional ergonomics may affect the interaction ...
    • Wolff Rojas, Patricio; Grana, Manuel; Ríos, Sebastián A.; Yarza, Maria Begoña (Hindawi Limited, 2019)
      © 2019 Patricio Wolff et al.Hospital readmission prediction in pediatric hospitals has received little attention. Studies have focused on the readmission frequency analysis stratified by disease and demographic/geographic ...
    • Leyton, Alison; Araya, Michael; Tala, Fadia; Flores, Liset; Lienqueo Contreras, María Elena; Shene, Carolina (MDPI, 2021)
      Seaweed processing generates liquid fraction residual that could be used as a low-cost nutrient source for microbial production of metabolites. The Rhodotorula strain is able to produce antimicrobial compounds known as ...
    • Leyton, A; Lienqueo, ME; Shene, C (Springer Science+Business Media, 2020)
    • Lei, Wenxin; Wen, Hong; Wu, Jinsong; Hou, Wenjing (MDPI, 2021)
      Advanced communication and information technologies enable smart grids to be more intelligent and automated, although many security issues are emerging. Security situational awareness (SSA) has been envisioned as a potential ...
    • Rodigas, Timothy; Arriagada, Pamela; Faherty, Jackie; Anglada Escudé, Guillem; Kaib, Nathan; Butler, R. Paul; Shectman, Stephen; Weinberger, Alycia; Males, Jared; Morzinski, Katie; Close, Laird; Hinz, Philip; Crane, Jeffrey; Thompson, Ian; Teske, Johanna; Díaz, Matías; Minniti, Dante; López Morales, Mercedes; Adams, Adam; Boss, Alan (IOP, 2016)
      We present high-contrast Magellan adaptive optics images of HD 7449, a Sun-like star with one planet and a longterm radial velocity (RV) trend. We unambiguously detect the source of the long-term trend from 0.6–2.15 μmat ...
    • Rodigas, Timothy J.; Bergeron, P.; Simon, Amélie; Arriagada, Pamela; Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Anglada Escudé, Guillem; Mamajek, Eric E.; Weinberger, Alycia; Butler, R. Paul; Males, Jared R.; Morzinski, Katie; Close, Laird M.; Hinz, Philip M.; Bailey, Jeremy; Carter, Brad; Jenkins, James Stewart; Jones, Hugh; O’Toole, Simon; Tinney, C. G.; Wittenmyer, Rob; Debes, John (IOP Publishing, 2016)
      HD 11112 is an old, Sun-like star that has a long-term radial velocity (RV) trend indicative of a massive companion on a wide orbit. Here we present direct images of the source responsible for the trend using the Magellan ...
    • Eslami, Alireza; Ghaderi, Majid; Griffin, William L.; Gain, Sarah; Grieco, Giovanni; González Jiménez, José (Ofioliti, 2015)
      Podiform bodies of high-Cr chromitite in the Cheshmeh-Bid chromitite deposit are located at the mantle-lower crust transition zone (MTZ) of the Late Cretaceous Khajeh-Jamali ophiolitic massifs, Iran. The unaltered core ...
    • González Maurel, Osvaldo; Godoy, Benigno; Le Roux, Petrus; Rodríguez, Inés; Marín, Carolina; Menzies, Andrew; Bertin, Daniel; Morata Céspedes, Diego; Vargas, Marina (Elsevier B.V., 2019)
      La Poruña (21°53′S; 68°30′W) is a 140 m high scoria cone composed of pyroclastic material and an extensive basaltic-andesite to andesite lava flow that is up to 8 km in length. Automated mineralogical analysis describes a ...
    • Esposito, Rosario; Badescu, Kimberly; Steele-MacInnis, Matthew; Cannatelli, Claudia; De Vivo, Benedetto; Lima, Annamaria; Bodnar, Robert; Manning, Craig (Elsevier B.V., 2018)
      One of the main goals of studying melt inclusions (MI) is to constrain the pre-eruptive physical and chemical processes that have occurred in a magma reservoir at the micro-scale. Recently, several studies that focused on ...
    • Ramírez, Luis E.; Parada Reyes, Miguel; Palacios Monasterio, Carlos; Wittenbrink, Jens (2008)
      The Mantos Blancos copper deposit (500 Mt at 1.0% Cu) was affected by two superimposed hydrothermal events: (i) phyllic alteration related to a rhyolitic dome emplacement and brecciation at ca 155 Ma; and (ii) potassic, ...
    • Licht, Alexis; Win, Zaw; Westerweel, Jan; Cogne, Nathan; Morley, Chris K.; Chantraprasert, Sarawute; Poblete Gómez, Fernando; Ugrai, Tamas; Nelson, Bruce; Aung, Day Wa; Dupont-Nivet, Guillaume (Elsevier, 2020)
      The Burma Terrane is a microplate at the eastern edge of the Tibetan-Himalayan orogen, the origin of which remains poorly understood. Its basement comprises metamorphic and igneous rocks forming the Wuntho-Popa Arc (WPA) ...
    • González-Jiménez, José María; Roqué-Rosell, Josep; Jiménez-Franco, Abigail; Tassara, Santiago; Nieto, Fernando; Gervilla, Fernando; Baurier, Sandra; Proenza, Joaquín A.; Saunders, Edward; Deditius, Artur P.; Schilling, Manuel E.; Corgne, Alexandre (Springer Verlag, 2019)
      Platinum-rich nanonuggets (s.l., nanoparticles) are commonly produced in experiments attempting to quantify the solubility or partitioning of noble metals in silicate and sulfide melts. However, it has been thought that ...
    • Shah, Raj; Mittal, Vikram; Matsil, Eliana; Rosenkranz, Andreas (SAGE, 2021)
      Lithium-ion batteries have enabled electric vehicles to achieve a foothold in the automobile market. Due to an increasing environmental consciousness, electric vehicles are expected to take a larger portion of the market, ...
    • Donati, J. F.; Hébrard, E.; Hussain, G. A. J.; Moutou, C.; Malo, L.; Grankin, K.; Vidotto, A. A.; Alencar, S. H. P.; Gregory, S. G.; Jardine, M. M.; Herczeg, G.; Morin, J.; Fares, R.; Ménard, Francois; Bouvier, J.; Delfosse, X.; Doyon, R.; Takami, M.; Figueira, P.; Petit, P.; Boisse, I. (Oxford University Press, 2015)
      We report results of a spectropolarimetric and photometric monitoring of the weak-line T Tauri stars (wTTSs) V819 Tau and V830 Tau within the MaTYSSE (Magnetic Topologies of Young Stars and the Survival of close-in giant ...
    • Peña, Francisco J.; González, Alejandro; Núñez Vásquez, Álvaro; Orellana, Pedro A.; Rojas, René G.; Vargas, Patricio (MDPI, 2017)
      We study the effect of the degeneracy factor in the energy levels of the well-known Landau problem for a magnetic engine. The scheme of the cycle is composed of two adiabatic processes and two isomagnetic processes, driven ...
    • Parada Reyes, Miguel; Roperch, Pierrick; Guiresse, Claudio; Ramírez, Ernesto (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2005-04-27)
      The Caleu pluton, which is located in the Coastal Range of central Chile, consists of three N-S elongated lithologic zones which define an across-pluton compositional variation characterized by a westward increase in SiO2 ...
    • Dinamarca, Robinson; Espinoza-González, Rodrigo; Campos, Cristian H.; Pecchi, Gina (MDPI AG, 2019)
      The type of metal oxide affects the activity and selectivity of Fe 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -MeO 2 -Pt (Me = Ti, Sn, Ce) catalysts on the hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde. The double shell structure design is thought to protect the ...
    • Hoyos, J.; Reisenegger, Andreas; Valdivia Hepp, Juan (EDP SCIENCES S A, 2008-09)
      Aims. This paper is the first in a series that aims to understand the long-term evolution of neutron star magnetic fields. Methods. We model the stellar matter as an electrically neutral and lightly-ionized plasma composed ...