Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Hasselquist, Sten; Hayes, Christian R.; Lian, Jianhui; Weinberg, David H.; Zasowski, Gail; Horta, Danny; Beaton, Rachael; Feuillet, Diane K.; Garro, Elisa R.; Gallart, Carme; Smith, Verne V.; Holtzman, Jon A.; Minniti, Dante; Lacerna, Iván; Shetrone, Matthew; Jonsson, Henrik; Cioni, María Rosa L.; Fillingham, Sean P.; Cunha, Katia; O'Connell, Robert; Fernández Trincado, José G.; Muñoz Vidal, Ricardo Rodrigo; Schiavon, Ricardo; Almeida, Andres; Anguiano, Borja; Beers, Timothy C.; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Brownstein, Joel R.; Cohen, Roger E.; Frinchaboy, Peter; García Hernández, D. A.; Geisler, Doug; Lane, Richard R.; Majewski, Steven R.; Nidever, David L.; Nitschelm, Christian; Povick, Joshua; Price Whelan, Adrián; Román Lopes, Alexandre; Rosado, Margarita; Sobeck, Jennifer; Stringfellow, Guy; Valenzuela, Octavio; Villanova, Sandro; Vincenzo, Fiorenzo (2021)
      The SDSS-IV Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) survey has obtained high-resolution spectra for thousands of red giant stars distributed among the massive satellite galaxies of the Milky Way ...
    • Nidever, David L.; Olsen, Knut; Choi, Yumi; Boer, Thomas J. L. De; Blum, Robert D.; Bell, Eric F.; Zaritsky, Dennis; Martín, Nicolás F.; Saha, Abhijit; Conn, Blair C.; Besla, Gurtina; Marel, Roeland P. Van Der; Noël, Noelia E. D.; Monachesi, Antonela; Stringfellow, Guy S.; Massana, Pol; Cioni, María Rosa L.; Gallart, Carme; Monelli, Matteo; Martínez Delgado, David; Muñoz Vidal, Ricardo Rodrigo; Majewski, Steven R.; Vivas, A. Katherina; Walker, Alistair R.; Kaleida, Catherine; Chu, You-Hua (Institute of Physics Publishing, 2019)
      We present the detection of very extended stellar populations around the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) out to R ∼ 21°, or ∼18.5 kpc at the LMC distance of 50 kpc, as detected in the Survey of the Magellanic Stellar History ...