Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Rabinowitz, David; Tourtellotte, Suzanne; Rojo, Patricio; Hoyer, Sergio; Folatelli, Gastón; Coppi, Paolo; Baltay, Charles; Bailyn, Charles (IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2011-05-01)
      We report the discovery of an eclipsing cataclysmic variable with eclipse depths > 5.7 mag, orbital period 94.657 minutes, and peak brightness V similar to 18 at J2000 position 17(h)25(m)54(s). 8, -64 degrees 38'39 ''. ...
    • Scalzo, R. A.; Aldering, G.; Antilogus, P.; Aragón, C.; Bailey, S.; Baltay, C.; Bongard, S.; Buton, C.; Childress, M.; Chotard, N.; Copin, Y.; Fakhouri, H. K.; Gal Yam, Avishay; Gangler, E.; Hoyer, Sergio; Kasliwal, M.; Loken, S.; Nugent, P.; Pain, R.; Pécontal, E.; Pereira, R.; Perlmutter, S.; Rabinowitz, David; Rau, A.; Rigaudier, G.; Runge, K.; Smadja, G.; Tao, C.; Thomas, R. C.; Weaver, B.; Wu, C. (2010-03)
      We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2007if, an overluminous (MV = -20.4), red (B -V = 0.16 at B-band maximum), slow-rising (trise = 24 days) type Ia supernova (SN Ia) in a very faint (Mg = -14.10) ...
    • Cartier Ugarte, Regis; Lira Teillery, Paulina; Coppi, Paolo; Sánchez, Paula; Arévalo, Patricia; Bauer, Franz; Rabinowitz, David; Zinn, Robert; Muñoz Vidal, Ricardo Rodrigo; Meza, Nicolás (IOP Pub., 2015)
      We present the characterization and initial results from the QUEST–La Silla active galactic nucleus (AGN) variability survey. This is an effort to obtain well-sampled optical light curves in extragalactic fields with ...