Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Robles Planells, Claudia; Sánchez-Guerrero, Giselle; Barrera Ávalos, Carlos; Matiacevich, Silvia; Rojo, Leonel E.; Pavéz, Jorge; Salas Huenuleo, Edison; Kogan, Marcelo J.; Escobar Álvarez, Alejandro; Milla, Luis A.; Fernández, Ricardo; Imarai, Mónica; Spencer, Eugenio; Huidobro Toro, Juan Pablo; Acuña Castillo, Claudio (Hindawi, 2020)
      Oncolytic virus therapy has been tested against cancer in preclinical models and clinical assays. Current evidence shows that viruses induce cytopathic effects associated with fusogenic protein-mediated syncytium formation ...
    • Rojo, Leonel E.; Alzate Morales, Jans; Saavedra, Iván N.; Davies, Peter; Maccioni Baraona, Ricardo (IOS Press, 2010)
      We describe the interactions of two benzimidazole derivatives, astemizole (AST) and lansoprazole (LNS), with anomalous aggregates of tau protein (neurofibrillary tangles). Interestingly, these compounds, with important ...