Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Garrido, Gabino; González, D.; Lemus, Yeny; Delporte Vergara, Carla; Delgado, René (ELSEVIER, 2006-06)
      A standard aqueous extract of Mangifera indica L., used in Cuba as antioxidant under the brand name VIMAN (R), was tested in vivo for its anti-inflammatory activity, using commonly accepted assays. The standard extract of ...
    • Ampuero, Estibaliz; Stehberg, Jimmy; González, D.; Besser, Nicolas; Ferrero, Mónica; Besser, Nicolás; Díaz Véliz, Gabriela; Wyneken, Ursula; Rubio, Francisco Javier (Elsevier, 2013)
      Fluoxetine is currently being administered for long-term maintenance and for prophylactic reasons following the remission of depressive symptoms and several other psychiatric and neurological conditions. We have previously ...