Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Pelgrim, Teuntje A. D.; Bossong, Matthijs G.; Cuiza, Analía; Alliende, Luz María; Mena, Carlos; Tepper, Ángeles; Ramírez Mahaluf, Juan Pablo; Iruretagoyena, Bárbara; Ornstein Letelier, Claudia; Fritsch Montero, Rosemarie Mónica; Cruz, Juan Pablo; Tejos, Cristian; Repetto, Gabriela; Crossley, Nicolás (Nature, 2021)
      The 22q11 deletion syndrome is a genetic disorder associated with a high risk of developing psychosis, and is therefore considered a neurodevelopmental model for studying the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Studies have ...