Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Barroilhet Diez, Sergio; Bieling, Alexandra E.; McCoy, Thomas H.; Perlis, Roy H. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Background: Personality has long been studied as a factor associated with health outcomes. Investigations of large, generalizable clinical cohorts are limited by variations in personality diagnostic methodologies and ...
    • Flores Vargas, Daniela; Goecke Sariego, Annelise; Gatica Rossi, Héctor; Castro Lara, Ariel; Wurmann Kiblisky, Pamela (Sociedad Médica Santiago, 2020)
      Cumulative survival in patients with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) associated vasculitis (VAA) is 88 and 78% at 1 and 5 years, respectively. Despite this, mortality continues to be 2.7 times higher than the ...
    • Pinto Sánchez, Carolina; Parra Salinas, Pía; Magna, José; Gajardo Cortez, Abraham; Berger, Zoltan; Montenegro Urbina, Cristián; Muñoz Dimitrov, Pablo (Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2020)
      Background: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is one of the main reasons of hospitalization due to gastrointestinal causes. Reported mortality rates range from 5 to 12%. Aim: To determine hospital mortality and ...
    • Barahona Vásquez, Maximiliano; Martínez, Álvaro; Brañes Fierro, Julián; Rodríguez Aphesteguy, Daniel; Barrientos Mendoza, Cristian (Medwave Estudios Limitada, 2020)
      Purpose To describe the incidence of hip fracture in Chile during 2017, identify risk factors for in-hospital mortality, and estimate annual case fatality rate. Method The study design was cross-sectional and ...
    • Dubo, Sebastián; Oviedo, Vanesa; García, Alinee; Alegría, Leyla; García, Patricio; Valenzuela, Emilio Daniel; Damiani, L. Felipe; Araos, Joaquín; Medina, Tania; Bachmann, María Consuelo; Basoalto, Roque; Ubilla Bravo, Sebastián Elie; Soto, Dagoberto; Cruces, Pablo; Guzmán, Guzmán; Retamal, Jaime; Cornejo Rosas, Rodrigo Alfredo; Bugedo, Guillermo; Brebi, Priscilla; Bruhn, Alejandro (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2020)
      Background: A lung rest strategy is recommended during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). However, spontaneous breathing modes are frequently used in this context. The ...
    • Figueroa Giralt, Manuel Gonzalo; Torrealba Bustos, Andrés Hernán; González Arestizábal, Tomás Andrés; Almeida Abarcia, Paula Daniela; Braghetto Miranda, Ítalo Francisco; Csendes Juhasz, Attila (Colegio Brasileiro Cirurgia Digestiva-CBCD, 2022)
      Small bowel obstruction (SBO) is a frequent cause of emergency department admissions. AIM: This study aimed to determine risk factors of reoperations, postoperative adverse event, and operative mortality (OM) in patients ...