Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Oliveira Lino, Leandro; Pacheco Cruz, Igor; Mercier, Vincent; Faoro, Franco; Bassi, Daniele; Bornard, Isabelle; Quilot-Turion, Benedicte (Amer Chemical Society, 2016)
      Brown rot (BR) caused by Monilinia spp., has been an economic problem for the stone fruit market due to dramatic losses, mainly during the postharvest period. There is much literature about basic aspects of Monilinia spp. ...
    • Cirilli, Marco; Micali, Sabrina; Aranzana, María José; Arús, Pere; Babini, Annarosa; Barreneche, Teresa; Bink, Marco; Cantin, Celia M.; Ciacciulli, Angelo; Cos-Terrer, José Enrique; Drogoudi, Pavlina; Eduardo, Iban; Foschi, Stefano; Giovannini, Daniela; Guerra, Walter; Liverani, Alessandro; Pacheco Cruz, Igor; Pascal, Thierry; Quilot-Turion, Benedicte; Verde, Ignazio; Rossini, Laura; Bassi, Daniele (Amer Soc Plant Biologists, 2020)
      Plants have evolved a range of adaptive mechanisms that adjust their development and physiology to variable external conditions, particularly in perennial species subjected to long-term interplay with the environment. ...