Fe adatoms along Bi lines on H/Si(001): Patterning atomic magnetic chains
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Orellana, W.
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Fe adatoms along Bi lines on H/Si(001): Patterning atomic magnetic chains
The stability, electronic and magnetic properties of Fe atoms adsorbed on the self-assembled Bilines
nanostructure on the H/Si(001) surface are addressed by spin-density functional calculations.
Our results show that Fe adatoms are much more stable on sites closer to the Bi nanolines, suggesting
that they form one-dimensional atomic arrays. The most stable structure occurs on a missing dimer
line beside the Bi dimers, which corresponds to an array with distances between Fe adatoms of about
8 °A. In this array the irons are coupled antiferromagnetically with spin magnetic moment of about
1.5 μB per Fe atom, whereas the coupling exchange interactions is found to be of 14.4 meV. We
also estimate a large magnetic anisotropy energy of about 3 meV/atom originated on the structural
anisotropy of the Fe-adatom site. In addition, we find that the electronic band structure of the Fe
array at the most stable structure shows a magnetic half-metal behavior.
This work was supported by the Chilean agency
FONDECYT, under Grant Nos. 1050197 and 7050159.
W.O. acknowledges the Millennium Nucleus of Applied
Quantum Mechanics and Computational Chemistry for
financial support, through Project No. P02-004-F.
R.H.M. acknowledges the Brazilian agencies CNPq and
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/118854
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arXiv:cond-mat/0606707v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 7 Aug 2006