The zebrafish prospero homolog prox1 is required for mechanosensory hair cell differentiation and functionality in the lateral line
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Pistocchi, Anna
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The zebrafish prospero homolog prox1 is required for mechanosensory hair cell differentiation and functionality in the lateral line
Background: The lateral line system in zebrafish is composed of a series of organs called
neuromasts, which are distributed over the body surface. Neuromasts contain clusters of hair cells,
surrounded by accessory cells.
Results: In this report we describe zebrafish prox1 mRNA expression in the migrating primordium
and in the neuromasts of the posterior lateral line. Furthermore, using an antibody against Prox1
we characterize expression of the protein in different cell types within neuromasts, and we show
distribution among the supporting cells and hair cells.
Conclusion: Functional analysis using antisense morpholinos indicates that prox1 activity is crucial
for the hair cells to differentiate properly and acquire functionality, while having no role in
development of other cell types in neuromasts.
We thank Catalina Lafourcade and Florencio Espinoza for technical help;
Herwig Baier and Hitoshi Okamoto for the pou4f3::GFP and pou4f1::mGFP transgenic fish, respectively; Kenna Shaw and Brant Weinstein for the SCM1
line; Vladimir Korzh for SqET20; Darren Gilmour for ClaudinB::GFP. MA and
CGF were supported by grants from FONDECYT (1070867), ICM (P06-
039F) and UNAB (DI23-08/R). AP and FC were supported by grants from
CARIPLO N.O.B.E.L. Molecular and cellular biology of tumor stem cell.
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BMC DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, Volume: 9, Article Number: 58, 2009