A restriction site to differentiate Plasmodium and Haemoproteus infections in birds: on the inefficiency of general primers for detection of mixed infections
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Martínez, J.
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A restriction site to differentiate Plasmodium and Haemoproteus infections in birds: on the inefficiency of general primers for detection of mixed infections
Avian Plasmodium and Haemoproteus parasites are easily detected by DNA analyses of infected samples but only correctly
assigned to each genus by sequencing and use of a phylogenetic approach. Here, we present a restriction site to differentiate
between both parasite genera avoiding the use of those analyses. Alignments of 820 sequences currently listed in GenBank
encoding a particular cytochrome B region of avian Plasmodium and Haemoproteus show a shared restriction site for both
genera using the endonuclease Hpy CH4III. An additional restriction site is present in Plasmodium sequences that would
initially allow differentiation of both genera by differential migration of digested products on gels. Overall 9 out of 326
sequences containing both potential restriction sites do not fit to the general rule. We used this differentiation of parasite
genera based on Hpy CH4III restriction sites to evaluate the efficacy of 2 sets of general primers in detecting mixed
infections. To do so, we used samples from hosts infected by parasites of both genera. The use of general primers was only
able to detect 25% or less of the mixed infections. Therefore, parasite DNA amplification using general primers to
determine the species composition of haemosporidian infections in individual hosts is not recommended. Specific primers
for each species and study area should be designed until a new method can efficiently discriminate both parasites.
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Artículo de publicación ISI
partially financed by the following
projects: CGL2006-14129-C02-01/BOS from the Spanish
Ministry of Education and Science, FONDECYT grant
1060186, travel grants from CSIC (grants CSIC-Univ. de
Chile 2003 CL0012 and 2004 CL0033), and a BBVA
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/119664
DOI: DOI: 10.1017/S0031182009006118
ISSN: 0031-1820
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Parasitology (2009), 136, 713–722.