Description, seasonal morphological variation, and molecular identiWcation of Paraxanthus barbiger megalopae obtained from the natural environment
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Ampuero, David
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Description, seasonal morphological variation, and molecular identiWcation of Paraxanthus barbiger megalopae obtained from the natural environment
Larval identiWcation represents a powerful tool
for detailed studies on recruitment and population dynamics
in marine invertebrates. However, intra-speciWc morphological
variation can become a serious limitation for the
correct identiWcation at species level. High morphological
variation can be expected in species with continuous
breeding periods because larvae are exposed to seasonal
Xuctuations in physical and biological factors during their
development in the plankton. We describe, for the Wrst
time, the megalopae of Paraxanthus barbiger, one of the
most common and abundant brachyuran crabs along the
coast of Chile. To validate larvae identiWcation, the 16S
rRNA gene was sequenced from both megalopae and
adults, and was compared with sequences of three sympatric
species. In addition, size, body shape, and appendage
setation pattern variations were analyzed with a year-round
sampling scheme. The results demonstrated high seasonal
phenotypic plasticity in size. Despite these diVerences,
certain conservative characteristics exist which can be very
useful for identiWcation at species level.
FONDECYT 1020499 for Wnancial support. DV thanks to Iniciativa
CientíWca Milenio Grant ICM P05-002 and CONICYT Grant PFB-23.
All experimental work was conducted in Chile and complied with its
existing laws.
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Helgol Mar Res (2010) 64:117–123