Effect of drought on leaf gas exchange, carbon isotope discrimination, transpiration efficiency and productivity in field grown durum wheat genotypes

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Monneveux, Philippe
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Effect of drought on leaf gas exchange, carbon isotope discrimination, transpiration efficiency and productivity in field grown durum wheat genotypes
Under drought prone conditions, wheat productivity is strongly related to photosynthetic activity and transpiration efficiency. In the present study, photosynthesis related traits were assessed at anthesis under rainfed and irrigated conditions on five durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) cultivars grown under Mediterranean conditions. Carbon isotope discrimination was also evaluated in flag leaf at anthesis (Delta L-a) and grain at maturity (Delta G(m)). Under rainfed conditions, highly significant correlations were found between both Delta L-a and Delta G(m), and leaf CO2 exchange rate (CER), stomatal conductance (g(s)) and internal to ambient CO2 concentration ratio (C-1/C-a). Delta G(m) was correlated negatively with transpiration efficiency (measured as CER/g(s)) under tainted conditions, and positively under irrigated conditions. Under both conditions, Delta G(m) was positively associated with grain yield. No significant correlation was observed between mesophyll conductance and CER. In contrast, the latter trait was positively related to g, under irrigated conditions suggesting that CER was driven by stomatal limitations. No correlation was found between Delta L-a. and grain yield. It is concluded that breeding for high Delta G(m) would lead, under Mediterranean drought conditions, to higher stomatal conductance, lower transpiration efficiency and higher grain yield.
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PLANT SCIENCE Volume: 170 Issue: 4 Pages: 867-872 Published: APR 2006