Reppe Reaction Catalyzed by Soluble Carbonylrhodium Complexes

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Uzcátegui, G. C.
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Reppe Reaction Catalyzed by Soluble Carbonylrhodium Complexes
The catalysis of the hydroesterification and hydroformylation-acetalization of 1-hexene by rhodium(I), cis-[Rh(CO)2(amine)2](PF6) complexes (amine = pyridine, 2-picoline, 3-picoline, 4-picoline, 3,5-lutidine or 2,6-lutidine) dissolved in 10 mL of ethanol or 10 mL of 80% aqueous ethanol, 0.4 mL (3 x 10-3 mol) of 1-hexene, [Rh] = 5 x 10-5 mol, 1-hexene/Rh = 64 under P(CO) = 0.9 atm at 100 °C for 4 h, is described in this work. The mayor products are ethyl-heptanoate, heptanal and 1,1-diethoxyheptane coming from the hydroesterification, hydroformylation reactions and the nucleophilic addition reaction of the ethanol over the formed heptanal, respectively. The reaction product distribution depends on the nature of the coordinate amine to the rhodium center.
The authors thank the CDCH-UCV (PG: 03.12.4957.2002) and the FONACIT (S1-2002000260) for funding. The authors also gratefully acknowledge support from CYTED: Red V-D and Project V-9. SAM thanks FONDECYT (Project 1050168)
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JOURNAL OF THE CHILEAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, V.: 50, issue: 4, p.: 647-650, DEC 2005