Negative Core Affect and Employee Silence: How Differences in Activation, Cognitive Rumination, and Problem-Solving Demands Matter

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Madrid, Héctor
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Negative Core Affect and Employee Silence: How Differences in Activation, Cognitive Rumination, and Problem-Solving Demands Matter
Employees can help to improve organizational performance by sharing ideas, suggestions, or concerns
about practices, but sometimes they keep silent because of the experience of negative affect. Drawing and
expanding on this stream of research, this article builds a theoretical rationale based on core affect and
cognitive appraisal theories to describe how differences in affect activation and boundary conditions
associated with cognitive rumination and cognitive problem-solving demands can explain employee
silence. Results of a diary study conducted with professionals from diverse organizations indicated that
within-person low-activated negative core affect increased employee silence when, as an invariant factor,
cognitive rumination was high. Furthermore, within-person high-activated negative core affect decreased
employee silence when, as an invariant factor, cognitive problem-solving demand was high. Thus,
organizations should manage conditions to reduce experiences of low-activated negative core affect
because these feelings increase silence in individuals high in rumination. In turn, effective management
of experiences of high-activated negative core affect can reduce silence for individuals working under
high problem-solving demand situations
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
DOI: DOI: 10.1037/a0039380
ISSN: 0021-9010
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Journal of Applied Psychology 2015, Vol. 100, No. 6, 1887–1898
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