Solitons in a modi ed discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation

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Molina Gálvez, Mario
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Solitons in a modi ed discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation
We study the bulk and surface nonlinear modes of a modi ed one-dimensional discrete nonlinear Schrödinger (mDNLS) equation. A linear and a modulational stability analysis of the lowest-
order modes is carried out. While for the fundamental bulk mode there is no power threshold, the fundamental surface mode needs a minimum power level to exist. Examination of the time evolution of discrete solitons in the limit of strongly localized modes, suggests ways to manage the Peierls-Nabarro barrier, facilitating in this way a degree of soliton steering. The long-time propagation of an initially localized excitation shows that, at long evolution times, nonlinear e ects become negligible and as
a result, the propagation becomes ballistic. The qualitative similarity of the results for the mDNLS to the ones obtained for the standard DNLS, suggests that this kind of discrete soliton is an robust entity capable of transporting an excitation across a generic discrete medium that models several systems of interest.
Fondecyt Grant 1160177 and Programa ICM grant RC130001
Artículo de publicación ISI
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Scientific Reports (2018) 8:2186
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