Now showing items 1-20 of 22

    • Vargas Aguilar, José P. Mauricio (Universidad de Chile, 2008-03)
      La presente investigación caracteriza el comportamiento macroeconómico de la economía boliviana y prueba el desempeño de un modelo de Equilibrio General Dinámico (EGD) que extiende la especificación neoclásica ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Paredes Molina, Ricardo (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2005-06)
      This paper presents a systematic empirical characterization of income distribution in Chile. Such characterization helps us to understand the apparent paradox regarding the coexistence of a successful economic performance ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Fuentes, J. Rodrigo (ELSEVIER, 2006-03)
      This paper provides a framework for analyzing the growth dynamics of Chile. Using univariate time series representations, we find that the Chilean data is more consistent with exogenous rather than endogenous growth models. ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Gallegos Mardones, Juan; Paredes Molina, Ricardo (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2016)
      The positive impact that competition has on performance in most industries has been questioned in the education sector. The difficulty to measure competition, the idea that parents don’t rationally choose schools for ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Gallegos Mardones, Juan; Paredes Molina, Ricardo (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2016)
      The positive impact that competition has on performance in most industries has been questioned in the education sector. The difficulty to measure competition, the idea that parents don’t rationally choose schools for ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Gallegos Mardones, Juan; Paredes, Ricardo (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2016)
      The positive impact that competition has on performance in most industries has been questioned in the education sector: The difficulty to measure competition, the idea that parents don't rationally choose schools for their ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Fuentes, J. Rodrigo (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2006-12)
      Despite having accumulated physical and human capital at significant rates, Latin America’s growth has been generally disappointing. Successful growth episodes have been accompanied by surges in TFP, sound and stable ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (Wiley, 2001)
      This paper presents a statistical comparison between the actual and predicted evolution of the Chilean GDP for the period 0875Ð0887 made by several forecasters[ We show that the forecasters systematically underestimate ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (The MIT Press, 2001)
      This paper presents the asymptotic and finite sample properties of the efficient method of moments and indirect inference, when applied to estimating stationary ARMA models. Issues such as identification, model selection, ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (De Gruyter, 1997)
      Gallant and Tauchen (1996) describe an estimation technique, known as Efficient Method of Moments (EMM), that uses numerical methods to estimate parameters of a structural model. The technique uses as matching conditions ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2013)
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2010-12)
      This paper develops a framework for evaluating the importance of the arrival of new information for forecasting, estimation, and decision making. By fusing known and recently developed statistical tests and concepts, the ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (BERKELEY ELECTRONIC PRESS, 2006-05)
      This paper analyzes whether or not the econometric methods usually applied to test for absolute convergence have provided this hypothesis a "fair" chance. I show that traditional (absolute and conditional) convergence tests ...
    • Berstein, Solange M.; Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (BLACKWELL, 2006-03)
      Since the creation of the Chilean pension fund industry in 1981, pension fund administrators have not been free to choose their investment portfolios because of stringent regulation of investment limits. The diagnosis ...
    • Gómez, Daniel; Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Paredes Molina, Ricardo (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2012-12)
      One of the pillars of the educational voucher system is that competition between schools to attract students would improve the quality of the education provided. Surveys in Chile have suggested that parents are not aware ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2000-06)
      Este documento presenta evidencia contundente en contra de la hipótesis nula de que series tales como el IMACEC, el consumo o el PIB chilenos presentan una raíz unitaria. Esta evidencia se apoya en resultados derivados ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (Springeropen, 2019)
      This paper uses different approaches to determine the contribution of internal policies and external factors on the good performance of the Bolivian economy in the recent past. It is demonstrated that the extremely favorable ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Gallego, Francisco A. (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2002-12)
      This paper compares the results of applying several detrending methods to the Chilean monthly economic activity index (IMACEC) using real-time data sets. We show that data revisions are extremely important and that they ...
    • Berstein, Solange M.; Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (Taylor and Francis, 2012)
      A risk-based approach for supervision and regulation of the financial sector is gaining ground in both emerging and industrialized countries. As part of this approach, regulators need to measure, monitor, and mitigate ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Paredes Molina, Ricardo (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2012-12)
      The educational voucher system builds on the pillars of informed choice and competition to improve the quality of the education provided. This document summarizes some of the results of recent literature on the subject, ...