Browsing by Author "XX606849"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Lagos Cabre, Raúl; Álvarez, Álvaro; Kong, Milene; Burgos Bravo, Francesca; Cárdenas, Areli; Rojas Mancilla, Edgardo; Pérez Núñez, Ramón Daniel; Herrera Molina, Rodrigo; Rojas, Fabiola; Schneider, Pascal; Herrera-Marschitz Muller, Mario; Quest, Andrew F. G.; van Zundert, Brigitte; Leyton Campos, Lisette (BIOMED Central Ltd., 2017)Background: Neuroinflammation involves cytokine release, astrocyte reactivity and migration. Neuronal Thy-1 promotes DITNC1 astrocyte migration by engaging alpha(V)beta(3) Integrin and Syndecan-4. Primary astrocytes express ...
Burgos Bravo, Francesca; Martínez Meza, Samuel; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Wilson Moya, Christian; Leyton Campos, Lisette (Frontiers Media, 2020)Inflammation contributes to the genesis and progression of chronic diseases, such as cancer and neurodegeneration. Upregulation of integrins in astrocytes during inflammation induces neurite retraction by binding to the ...
Torres Gómez, Vicente; Tapia Pineda, Julio; Rodríguez, Diego A.; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Párraga, Mario; Lisboa, Pamela; Montoya, Margarita; Quest, Andrew F. G. (COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD, 2006-05-01)Caveolin-1 is suggested to act as a tumor suppressor. We tested the hypothesis that caveolin-1 does so by repression of survivin, an Inhibitor of apoptosis protein that regulates cell-cycle progression as well as apoptosis ...
Simón, L.; Campos González, América; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Quest, Andrew F. G. (Springer, 2020)Caveolin-1 (CAV1) is commonly considered to function as a cell surface protein, for instance in the genesis of caveolae. Nonetheless, it is also present in many intracellular organelles and compartments. The contributions ...
Lobos González, Lorena; Aguilar Guzmán, Lorena Andrea; Fernández Ruiz, Jaime Gonzalo; Muñoz, Nicolás; Hossain, Mehnaz; Bieneck, Simone; Silva, Verónica; Burzioc, Verónica; Sviderskayae, Elena V.; Bennett, Dorothy C.; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Quest, Andrew F. G. (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014)Melanomas are highly lethal skin tumours that are frequently treated by surgical resection. However, the efficacy of such procedures is often limited by tumour recurrence and metastasis. Caveolin-1 (CAV1) has been ...
Rodríguez, Diego A.; Tapia, Julio; Fernández, Jaime G.; Torres Gómez, Vicente; Muñoz, Nicolás; Galleguillos, Daniela; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Quest, Andrew F. G. (2009)Augmented expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and enhanced production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) are associated with increased tumor cell survival and malignancy. Caveolin-1 is a scaffold protein that has been proposed ...
Sanhueza, Carlos; Castillo Bennett, Jimena; Valenzuela Valderrama, Manuel; Contreras, Pamela; Lobos González, Lorena; Campos, América; Wehinger, Sergio; Lladser, Álvaro; Kiessling, Rolf; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Quest, Andrew F. G. (MDPI, 2020)Caveolin-1 (CAV1) is a well-established nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, whose function as a tumor suppressor is favored by, but not entirely dependent on, the presence of E-cadherin. Tumors are frequently hypoxic and the ...
Sanhueza Muñoz, Carlos Joaquín (Universidad de Chile, 2013)El cáncer es la 2° causa de muerte en Chile. El desarrollo del cáncer se ha propuesto que es consecuencia de la pérdida de función de los genes supresores de tumores beneficiando la acción de los oncogenes (genes que ...
Hermosilla, Tamara; Muñoz, Daniel; Herrera Molina, Rodrigo; Valdivia, Alejandra; Muñoz, Nicolás; Nham, Sang-Uk; Schneider, Pascal; Burridge, Keith; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Leyton Campos, Lisette (ELSEVIER, 2008-06)Thy-1 is an abundant neuronal glycoprotein of poorly defined function. We recently provided evidence indicating that Thy-1 clusters a beta(3)-containing integrin in astrocytes to induce tyrosine phosphorylation, RhoA ...
Lobos González, Lorena; Aguilar, Lorena; Díaz Jara, Jorge; Díaz, Natalia; Urra, Hery; Torres Gómez, Vicente; Silva, Verónica; Fitzpatrick, Christopher; Lladser, Álvaro; Hoek, Keith S.; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Quest, Andrew F. G. (2013)Theroleofcaveolin-1(CAV1)incancerishighlycontroversial.CAV1suppressesgenesthatfavortumordevelopment, yet also promotes focal adhesion turnover and migration of metastatic cells. How these contrasting observations relate ...
Lobos González, Lorena (Universidad de Chile, 2011)Caveolina-1 es una proteína de membrana esencial en la formación de caveolas, participa en el transporte de colesterol, actúa como proteína de andamiaje en señalización y ha sido descrita como un supresor de tumores. Por ...
Inostroza Riquelme, Mariela; Vivanco, Andrea; Lara, Pablo; Guerrero Rivera, Simón; Salas Huenuleo, Edison; Chamorro, Alejandro; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Bolaños, Karen; Araya Fuentes, Eyleen; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Kogan Bocian, Marcelo; Oyarzún Ampuero, Felipe (MDPI, 2018-05)Here we report the incorporation of gold nanostructures (nanospheres or nanorods, functionalized with carboxylate-end PEG) and curcumin oil-in-water (O/W) nanoemulsions (CurNem) into alginate microgels using the dripping ...
Ortiz, Rina; Díaz Jara, Jorge; Díaz, Natalia; Lobos González, Lorena; Cárdenas, Areli; Contreras, Pamela; Díaz, María Inés; Otte, Ellen; Cooper- White, Justin; Torres Gómez, Vicente; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Quest, Andrew F. G. (Impact Journals LLC, 2016)Caveolin-1 (CAV1) is a scaffolding protein that plays a dual role in cancer. In advanced stages of this disease, CAV1 expression in tumor cells is associated with enhanced metastatic potential, while, at earlier stages, ...
Fan, Yongjun; Abrahamsen, Greger; Mills, Richard; Calderón, Claudia C.; Tee, Jing Yang; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Murrell, Wayne; Cooper White, Justin; McGrath, John J.; Mackay Sim, Alan (Society of Biological Psychiatry, 2013)Background: Evidence from genetic association studies implicate genes involved in neural migration associated with schizophrenia risk. Neural stem/progenitor cell cultures (neurosphere-derived cells) from olfactory mucosa ...
Guerrero, Simón; Díaz García, Víctor; Contreras-Orellana, Pamela; Muñoz Lara, Pablo; Palma, Sujey; Guzmán, Fanny; Lobos González, Lorena; Cárdenas, Areli; Rojas Silva, Ximena; Muñoz, Luis; Leyton Campos, Lisette; Kogan Bocian, Marcelo; Quest, Andrew F. G. (Future Medicine, 2018-06)Aim: To track early events during lung metastasis, we labeled cells expressing (B16F10(CAV1)) or lacking CAV1 (B16F10(mock)) with gold nanoparticles conjugated to the peptide TAT (AuNPs-PEG-TAT). Methods: B16F10 expressing ...
Brito Wittwer, Mónica Isabel (Universidad de ChileCyberDocs, 2008)
Álvarez, Álvaro; Lagos Cabré, Raúl; Kong, Milene; Cárdenas, Areli; Burgos Bravo, Francesca; Schneider, Pascal; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Leyton Campos, Lisette (Elsevier, 2016)Our previous reports indicate that ligand-induced alpha(v)beta(3) integrin and Syndecan-4 engagement increases focal adhesion formation and migration of astrocytes. Additionally, ligated integrins trigger ATP release through ...
Lagos Cabré, Raúl; Brenet, Marianne; Díaz, Jorge; Pérez, Ramón D.; Pérez, Leonardo A.; Herrera Molina, Rodrigo; Quest, Andrew F. G.; Leyton Campos, Lisette (MDPI AG, 2018)© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Under pro-inflammatory conditions, astrocytes become reactive and acquire a migratory phenotype. Our results show that hemichannels formed by connexin 43 (Cx43) ...
Muñoz Cuevas, Nicolás Rodrigo (Universidad de Chile, 2007)Los astrocitos son el tipo celular más abundante de la glia en el Sistema Nervioso Central y cuando son expuestos a factores sanguíneos durante un daño cerebral, éstos se vuelven “reactivos”, cambiando su forma estrellada ...
Álvarez Martínez, Álvaro Gonzalo (Universidad de Chile, 2014)Los astrocitos responden a un estímulo inflamatorio modificando su morfología y su patrón de expresión génica y participando en la formación de la cicatriz glial, en el caso de lesión traumática. La cicatriz glial se ...