Now showing items 21-28 of 28

    • Kiwi Krauskopf, Marcos; Soto San Martín, José (Cambridge University Press, 2015)
      To Philippe Flajolet, a mathematical discontinuity, a tamer of singularities. A two-row array of integers an = a1 a2 ... an b1 b2 ... bn is said to be in lexicographic order if its columns are in lexicographic order (where ...
    • Thraves Caro, Christopher Brian (Universidad de ChilePrograma Cybertesis, 2008)
      Esta tesis estudia problemas generados en redes de colas haciendo un an´alisis de peor caso. Para esto se basa en un modelo de adversario llamado Adversarial Queueing Theory (AQT). En esta tesis se presentan tres variantes ...
    • Camacho Cortina, Philippe (Universidad de Chile, 2013)
      Se estudian funciones de hash resistentes a colisiones (FHRC) que permiten validar eficientemente predicados sobre las entradas, usando solamente los valores de hash y certificados cortos. Para los predicados, consideramos ...
    • Fernandes, Cristina G.; Kiwi Krauskopf, Marcos (Elsevier, 2016)
      A repetition-free Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) of two sequences x and y is an LCS of x and y where each symbol may appear at most once. Let R denote the length of a repetition free LCS of two sequences of n symbols ...
    • Jiménez, A.; Kiwi Krauskopf, Marcos; Loebl, Martín (2010)
      In this work we count the number of satisfying states of triangulations of a convex n-gon using the transfer matrix method. We show an exponential (in n) lower bound. We also give the exact formula for the number of ...
    • Castillo, F.; Toledo Cabrera, Benjamín; Muñoz Gálvez, Víctor; Rogan Castillo, José; Zarama, Roberto; Penagos, Juan Felipe; Kiwi Krauskopf, Marcos; Valdivia Hepp, Juan (Old City Publishing, 2016)
      We model city traffic by a cellular automaton. It consist of a row of interacting cars through a sequence of traffic lights, synchronized by a propagating green signal. We start the system from an initial jammed condition ...
    • Kiwi Krauskopf, Marcos; Mitsche, Dieter (Inst. Mathematical Statistics, 2018-04)
      Random hyperbolic graphs have been suggested as a promising model of social networks. A few of their fundamental parameters have been studied. However, none of them concerns their spectra. We consider the random hyperbolic ...
    • Kiwi Krauskopf, Marcos; Loebl, Martín (ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, 2008-10-20)
      We address the following question: When a randomly chosen regular bipartite multi-graph is drawn in the plane in the "standard way", what is the distribution of its maximum size planar matching (set of non-crossing disjoint ...