Browsing by Author "Álvarez Daziano, Felipe"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Álvarez Daziano, Felipe; Amaya Arriagada, Jorge; Griewank, Andreas; Strogies, Nikolai (Springer-Verlag, 2011)This paper proposes a new mathematical framework for the open pit mine planning problem, based on continuous functional analysis. The main challenge for engineers is to determine a sequence of nested profiles maximizing ...
Álvarez Daziano, Felipe; Peypouquet, Juan (Elsevier, 2011)We study the asymptotic behavior of almost-orbits of evolution systems in Banach spaces without any continuity assumptions on either the space or the time dependence. We establish, in a unified framework, standard ...
Sepúlveda Geraldino, Ingrid Alejandra (Universidad de Chile, 2012)El presente estudio de caso tuvo por objetivo identificar las áreas de mejora de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile, y proponer recomendaciones que permitan, ...
Álvarez Daziano, Felipe; Peypouquet, Juan (2007)We provide a sharp generalization to the nonautonomous case of the well-known Kobayashi estimate for proximal iterates associated with maximal monotone operators. We then derive a bound for the distance between ...
Svensson Graan, Anton Kristoffer (Universidad de Chile, 2015)Sea $X$ un evtlc y $\Phi$ una función convexa, semicontinua inferior y propia en $X$. Dados $\lambda\in\R$ y $\delta\geq 0$, se prueba que para $\overline{x}\in S_\lambda:=[\Phi\leq\lambda]$ se cumple la fórmula ...
Álvarez Daziano, Felipe; Cominetti Cotti-Cometti, Roberto; Dávila, Juan; Ramírez Cabrera, Héctor (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática, 2009-03-04)
Ruiz Garrido, Natalia Soledad Karen (Universidad de Chile, 2016)En esta tesis doctoral se estudian algoritmos para resolver problemas de optimización convexa con estructura separable, y problemas de equilibrio económico de Walras. Así, la tesis se divide en dos partes. La primera ...
Contreras Águila, María José (Universidad de Chile, 2012)El presente estudio de caso busca realizar un diagnóstico de la gestión de la Secretaría de Estudios de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile, para detectar oportunidades de mejora en los ...
Zerené Massardo, Chafic Habib (Universidad de Chile, 2016)El presente trabajo de título surge gracias al proyecto de InnovaChile (perteneciente a CORFO): Nueva Ingeniería para el 2030, donde participa la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas (FCFM) de la Universidad de Chile, ...
Álvarez Daziano, Felipe; Carrasco, Miguel; Champion, Thierry (2007)We consider an implicit iterative method in convex programming which combines inexact variants of the proximal point algorithm, with parametric penalty functions. We investigate a multiplier sequence which is explicitly ...
Inner estimation of the eigenvalue set and exponential series solutions to differential inclusions Álvarez Daziano, Felipe; Correa Fontecilla, Rafael; Gajardo, Pedro (HELDERMANN VERLAG, 2005-11-01)We obtain inner estimations, around special eigenvalues, for the eigenvalue set of a properly nonlinear closed convex process. We also consider a differential inclusion associated with a general closed convex process and ...
Álvarez Daziano, Felipe; Cabot, Alexandre (Springer, 2006)We investigate the behavior at infinity of a special dissipative system, which consists of two steepest descent equations coupled by a non-autonomous conservative repulsion. The repulsion term is parametrized in time by ...
Álvarez Daziano, Felipe (SIAM PUBLICATIONS, 2000-05-24)We study the asymptotic behavior at infinity of solutions of a second order evolution equation with linear damping and convex potential. The differential system is defined in a real Hilbert space. It is proved that if the ...
Nelis Suazo, Gonzalo Ignacio (Universidad de Chile, 2016)La planificación minera ha evolucionado a través del tiempo para entregar soluciones a problemas de minería cada vez más complejos, que involucran cada vez más variables y a horizontes temporales mayores. En las últimas ...
Álvarez Daziano, Felipe; Flores, Salvador (HELDERMANN VERLAG, 2008)In this paper we examine the problem of finding a Lipschitz function on an open domain with prescribed boundary values and whose gradient is required to satisfy some nonhomogeneous pointwise constraints a.e. in the domain. ...
Álvarez Daziano, Felipe; Bolte, Jérome; Munier, Julien (SPRINGER, 2008-04)We consider the problem of nding a singularity of a vector eld X on a complete Riemannian manifold. In this regard we prove a uni ed result for local convergence of Newton's method. Inspired by previous work of Zabrejko ...