Browsing by Author "Castro Fernández, Víctor Hugo"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
González Órdenes, Felipe Ignacio (Universidad de Chile, 2024)Las enzimas que participan en el metabolismo central de azúcares son fundamentales para mantener la homeostasis celular y están presentes en el metabolismo de todos los organismos vivos. A pesar de que las estrategias para ...
Maturana, Pablo; Orellana, María S.; Herrera, Sixto M.; Martínez, Ignacio; Figueroa, Maximiliano; Martínez Oyanedel, José; Castro Fernández, Víctor Hugo; Uribe, Elena (MDPI, 2021)Agmatine is the product of the decarboxylation of L-arginine by the enzyme arginine decarboxylase. This amine has been attributed to neurotransmitter functions, anticonvulsant, antineurotoxic, and antidepressant in mammals ...
Fuentes Ugarte, Nicolás Andrés (Universidad de Chile, 2023)Las quinasas de vitaminas son fosfotransferasas dependientes de ATP que participan en la biosíntesis de vitamina B1 y B6 fosforilando en general un grupo alcohol primario (R-OH) del sustrato. Dentro de esta familia se han ...
Faure Molina, Paullette (Universidad de Chile, 2023)Esta monografía aborda el trasfondo histórico de la secuenciación del genoma humano y sus implicaciones éticas. Explora los hitos en el descubrimiento genómico, desde la conceptualización del genoma, hasta la evolución ...
Fuentes Ugarte, Nicolás Andrés; Herrera, Sixto; Maturana, Pablo; Castro Fernández, Víctor Hugo; Guixe Leguia, Victoria Cristina (Frontiers Media, 2021)Halophilic enzymes need high salt concentrations for activity and stability and are considered a promising source for biotechnological applications. The model study for haloadaptation has been proteins from the Halobacteria ...
Muñoz, Sebastián M.; Castro Fernández, Víctor Hugo; Guixé Leguia, Victoria Cristina (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2021)ADP-dependent kinases were first described in archaea, although their presence has also been reported in bacteria and eukaryotes (human and mouse). This enzyme family comprises three substrate specificities; specific ...
Gil Durán, Carlos; Sepúlveda, Romina V.; Rojas, Maximiliano; Castro Fernández, Víctor Hugo; Guixe Leguia, Victoria; Vaca Cerezo, Inmaculada; Levicán, Gloria; González Nilo, Fernando; Ravanal, María Cristina; Chávez, Renato (MDPI, 2022)Endoxylanases belonging to family 10 of the glycoside hydrolases (GH10) are versatile in the use of different substrates. Thus, an understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying substrate specificities could be very ...