Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    • Rodríguez, David; Van der Plas, Gerrit; Kastner, Joel; Schneider, Adam; Faherty, Jacqueline; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Mohanty, Subhanjoy; Principe, David (EDP Sciences, 2015)
      We carried out an ALMA survey of 15 confirmed or candidate low-mass (<0.2 M-circle dot) members of the TW Hya Association (TWA) with the goal of detecting molecular gas in the form of CO emission, as well as of providing ...
    • Plunkett, Adele L.; Arce, Héctor G.; Corder, Stuartt A.; Dunham, Michael M.; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Mardones Pérez, Diego (The American Astronomical Society., 2015-04-10)
      Molecular outflows driven by protostellar cluster members likely impact their surroundings and contribute to turbulence, affecting subsequent star formation. The very young Serpens South cluster consists of a particularly high ...
    • Hales, A.; De Gregorio Monsalvo, Itziar; Montesinos, B.; Casassus Montero, Simón; Dent, William R. F.; Dougados, Catherine; Eiroa, C.; Hughes, A.M.; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Ménard, Francois; Palau, Aina; Pérez, Sebastián; Phillips, N.; Torrelles, J. M.; Wilner, D. (The American Astronomical Society., 2014-07-31)
      We carried out a 12CO(3-2) survey of 52 southern stars with a wide range of IR excesses (L IR/L *) using the single-dish telescopes APEX and ASTE. The main aims were (1) to characterize the evolution of molecular gas in ...
    • Ren, Zhiyuan; Zhu, Lei; Shi, Hui; Yue, Nannan; Li, Di; Zhang, Qizhou; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Wu, Jingwen; Jiao, Sihan; Liu, Shu; Luo, Gan; Xie, Jinjin; Zhang, Chao; Xu, Xuefang (Oxford, 2021)
      Filamentary structures are closely associated with star-forming cores, but their detailed physical connections are still not clear. We studied the dense gas in OMC-3 MMS-7 region in the Orion A molecular cloud using the ...
    • Brandeker, Alexis; Jayawardhana, Ray; Khavari, Parandis; Haisch, Karl E.; Mardones Pérez, Diego (2006-12-01)
      We have carried out a sensitive high-resolution imaging survey of stars in the young (6-8 Myr), nearby (97 pc) compact cluster around eta Chamaeleontis to search for stellar and substellar companions. Our data were obtained ...
    • Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Merello, Manuel; Mardones Pérez, Diego; May, Jorge; Brooks, Kate J.; Nyman, Lars-Ake; Güsten, Rolf (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2008-01-01)
      G331.5-0.1 in the Norma spiral arm is one of the most luminous and extended cores of a giant molecular cloud (GMC), containing at least six massive and dense dust condensations. Here we report the discovery, from observations ...
    • Liu, Tie; Kim, Kee-Tae; Wu, Yuefang; Li, Di; Lee, Chang-Won; Pree, Christopher De; Qin, Sheng-Li; Wang, Ke; Tatematsu, Ken’ichi; Zhang, Qizhou; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Cho, Se-Hyung (The American Astronomical Society, 2015-09-10)
      W49N is a mini-starburst in the Milky Way and is thus an ideal laboratory for high-mass star formation studies. Due to its large distance (11.1 0.7 0.9 - + kpc), the kinematics inside and between the dense molecular ...
    • Maureira, María José; Arce, Héctor G.; Dunham, Michael M.; Pineda, Jaime E.; Fernández-López, Manuel; Chen, Xuepeng; Mardones Pérez, Diego (IOP Publishing, 2017)
      We use 3 mm multiline and continuum CARMA observations toward the first hydrostatic core (FHSC) candidate L1451-mm to characterize the envelope kinematics at 1000 au scales and investigate its evolutionary state. We detect ...
    • Jackson, J. M.; Rathborne, J.; Foster, J. B.; Whitake, J.; Sanhueza, P.; Claysmith, C.; Mascoop, J.; Wienen, M.; Breen, S.; Herpin, F.; Duarte Cabral, A.; Csengeri, T.; Longmore, S.; Contreras, Y.; Indermuehle, B.; Barnes, P.; Walsh, A. J.; Cunningham, M.; Brooks, K.; Britton, T.; Voronkov, M.; Urquhart, J.; Alves, J.; Jordan, C.; Hill, T.; Hoq, S.; Finn, S. C.; Bains, I.; Bontemps, S.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Caswel, J.; Deharveng, L.; Ellingsen, S.; Fuller, G.; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Green, J.; Hindson, L.; Jones, P. A.; Lenfestey, C.; Lo, Nadia; Lowe, V.; Mardones Pérez, Diego; Menten, K.; Minier, V.; Morgan, L.; Motte, F.; Muller, E.; Peretto, N.; Purcell, C. R.; Schilke, P.; Bontemps, Schneider; Schuller, F.; Titmarsh, A.; Wyrowski, F.; Zavagno, A. (Astronomical Society of Australia, 2013)
      The Millimetre Astronomy Legacy Team 90 GHz (MALT90) survey aims to characterise the physical and chemical evolution of high-mass star-forming clumps. Exploiting the unique broad frequency range and on-the-fly ...
    • Martínez Brunner, Rafael José (Universidad de Chile, 2022)
      Gracias a los importantes avances tecnológicos, el estudio de los discos protoplanetarios se ha desarrollado rápidamente en las dos últimas décadas. Con instrumentos cada vez mejores, observatorios como ALMA y el VLT han ...
    • Antilén Romero, Juanita Andrea (Universidad de Chile, 2022)
      The $^{12}$CO rotational lines in protoplanetary discs are good tracers of the total spatial extension of the gas component and potentially planet-disc interactions. This work analyses ALMA long-baseline observations of ...
    • Guzmán Fernández, Andrés; Garay Brignardello, Guido; Rodríguez, Luis; Moran, James; Brooks, Kate J.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Nyman, Lars-Åke; Sanhueza, Patricio; Mardones Pérez, Diego (The American Astronomical Society, 2014-12-01)
      We report the detection, made using ALMA, of the 92 GHz continuum and hydrogen recombination lines (HRLs) H40α, H42α, and H50β emission toward the ionized wind associated with the high-mass young stellar object G345.49 ...
    • Servajean Bergoeing, Elise Marie Germaine (Universidad de Chile, 2019)
      A pesar de los esfuerzos enfocados en el estudio de la formación de estrellas de alta masa, no tenemos un claro entendimiento de cuales son los procesos involucrados. Para entender mejor estos fenómenos necesitamos ...
    • Meza Ravest, Alejandra Ginette (Universidad de Chile, 2024)
      La habitabilidad, es decir, la capacidad de un planeta para sostener vida, est´a intr´ınsecamente ligada a la presencia de agua l´ıquida, la cual, a su vez, depende de la temperatura. La distancia entre un planeta y su ...