The slow ionized wind and rotating disklike system that are associated with the high-mass young stellar object G345.4938+01.4677

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Guzmán Fernández, Andrés
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The slow ionized wind and rotating disklike system that are associated with the high-mass young stellar object G345.4938+01.4677
We report the detection, made using ALMA, of the 92 GHz continuum and hydrogen recombination lines (HRLs)
H40α, H42α, and H50β emission toward the ionized wind associated with the high-mass young stellar object
G345.4938+01.4677. This is the luminous central dominating source located in the massive and dense molecular
clump associated with IRAS 16562−3959. The HRLs exhibit Voigt profiles, which is a strong signature of Stark
broadening. We successfully reproduce the observed continuum and HRLs simultaneously using a simple model
of a slow ionized wind in local thermodynamic equilibrium, with no need for a high-velocity component. The
Lorentzian line wings imply electron densities of 5 × 107 cm−3 on average. In addition, we detect SO and SO2
emission arising from a compact (∼3000 AU) molecular core associated with the central young star. The molecular
core exhibits a velocity gradient that is perpendicular to the jet-axis, which we interpret as evidence of rotation.
The set of observations toward G345.4938+01.4677 are consistent with it being a young high-mass star associated
with a slow photo-ionized wind.
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Artículo de publicación ISI
DOI: doi:10.1088/0004-637X/796/2/117
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The Astrophysical Journal, 796:117 (20pp), 2014 December 1
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