Now showing items 1-20 of 20

    • Asenjo, Felipe A.; Muñoz Gálvez, Víctor; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Mahajan, Swadesh M. (AMER INST PHYSICS, 2011-01)
      Based on the one-body particle-antiparticle Dirac theory of electrons, a set of relativistic quantum fluid equations for a spin half plasma is derived. The particle-antiparticle nature of the relativistic particles is ...
    • Blunier, Sylvain; Toledo Cabrera, Benjamín; Rogan Castillo, José; Valdivia Hepp, Juan (Amer Geophysical Union, 2021)
      We propose a method, based on Neural Networks, that detects the nonlinear robust interplanetary solar wind variables, with varying delays, driving the coupled behavior of three geomagnetic indices (Dst, AL, and AU). As ...
    • Muñoz, Francisco; Varas, Alejandro; Rogan Castillo, José; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Kiwi Tichauer, Miguel (Royal Soc Chemistry, 2015)
      The planar to three dimensional transition of Au13-nAgn clusters is investigated. To do so the low lying energy configurations for all possible concentrations (n values) are evaluated. Many thousands of possible conformations ...
    • Muñoz, F.; Rogan Castillo, José; García, G.; Ramírez, M.; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Ramírez, R.; Kiwi Krauskopf, Marcos (SPRINGER, 2011-01)
      Collision processes between a single gold atom and a gold cluster are investigated by means of ab initio techniques. The targets we consider are minimum energy 13 gold atom clusters. The kinetic energy of the projectile ...
    • Valdés Abreu, Juan Carlos (Universidad de Chile, 2023)
      Las perturbaciones ionosféricas son un problema importante para los sistemas de radiocomunicación y navegación basados en el espacio. Los cambios ionosféricos pueden perturbar al Sistema Global de Navegación por Satélite ...
    • González Cortés, Gregorio Fernando (Universidad de Chile, 2021)
      La presente tesis está dedicada a la generación y control de estructuras disipativas inducidas por luz en cristal líquido. Esta monografía se desarrolla entorno a una serie de experimentos desarrollados para lograr diversidad ...
    • Viñas, Adolfo F.; Moya Fuentes, Pablo; Navarro, Roberto E.; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Araneda, Jaime A.; Muñoz Gálvez, Víctor (American Geophysical Union, 2015)
      Observed electron velocity distributions in the Earth's magnetosphere and the solar wind exhibit a variety of nonthermal features which deviate from thermal equilibrium, for example, in the form of temperature anisotropies, ...
    • Figueroa, Joaquín; Rogan Castillo, José; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Kiwi Tichauer, Miguel; Romero, Guillermo; Torres, Felipe (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
      © 2018, The Author(s).A correction to this article has been published and is linked from the HTML and PDF versions of this paper. The error has not been fixed in the paper.
    • Gourgouliatos, K. N.; Cumming, A.; Reisenegger, A.; Armaza, C.; Lyutikov, M.; Valdivia Hepp, Juan (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2013-09)
      We present solutions for Hall equilibria applicable to neutron star crusts. Such magnetic configurations satisfy a Grad–Shafranov-type equation, which is solved analytically and numerically. The solutions presented cover ...
    • Mitchell, J. P.; Braithwaite, J.; Reisenegger, A.; Spruit, H.; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Langer, N. (Oxford University Press, 2015)
      In stably stratified stars, numerical magnetohydrodynamics simulations have shown that arbitrary initial magnetic fields evolve into stable equilibrium configurations, usually containing nearly axisymmetric, linked ...
    • Gomberoff, L.; Morales Muñoz, Víctor; Valdivia Hepp, Juan (2004)
      On the basis of bi-Maxwellian velocity distribution functions it has been recently shown that the combined effect of heavy ion thermal anisotropy and drift velocity can trigger ion-cyclotron instabilities beyond the ...
    • Muñoz Gálvez, Víctor; Asenjo, F. A.; Domínguez, M.; López, R. A.; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Viñas, A.; Hada, T. (European Geosciences Union&the American Geophysical Union, 2014)
      Abstract. Propagation of large-amplitude waves in plasmas is subject to several sources of nonlinearity due to relativistic effects, either when particle quiver velocities in the wave field are large, or when thermal ...
    • Navarro, Roberto E.; Muñoz, Víctor; Araneda, Jaime A.; Viñas, Adolfo F.; Moya, Pablo S.; Valdivia Hepp, Juan (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2015)
      ©2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Remote and in situ observations in the solar wind show that ion and electron velocity distributions persistently present deviations from thermal equilibrium. Ion ...
    • Armaza, C.; Reisenegger, A.; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Marchant, P. (2013)
      Although barotropic matter does not constitute a realistic model for magnetic stars, it would be interesting to con rm a recent conjecture that states that magnetized stars with a barotropic equation of state would ...
    • Toledo Cabrera, Benjamín; San Juan López, María Angélica; Muñoz Gálvez, Víctor; Rogan Castillo, José; Valdivia Hepp, Juan (Elsevier, 2013)
      We explore the nontrivial behavior of a particular city traffic model due to its minimalistic representation of basic city traffic dynamics. The chaotic behavior is studied through the supertrack functions, an approach ...
    • Figueroa, Joaquín; Rogan Castillo, José; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Kiwi Tichauer, Miguel; Romero, Guillermo; Torres, Felipe (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
      © 2018, The Author(s).Strong correlation effects emerge from light-matter interactions in coupled resonator arrays, such as the Mott-insulator to superfluid phase transition of atom-photon excitations. We demonstrate that ...
    • Lakhina, Gurbax; Tsurutani, Bruce; Morales, George; Pouquet, Annick; Hoshino, Masahiro; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Narita, Yasuhito; Grimshaw, Roger (Copernicus Gesellschaft MBH, 2018)
    • Rogan Castillo, José; Varas, Alejandro; Valdivia Hepp, Juan; Kiwi Tichauer, Miguel (Wiley Periodicals, 2013)
    • Domínguez, Macarena; Muñoz, Víctor; Valdivia Hepp, Juan (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2014)
      The study of complexity in two aspects of the magnetic activity in the Sun-Earth system is presented. We compare the temporal evolution of the magnetic fluctuations in the Earth's magnetosphere and the spatial distribution ...
    • Medina, Pablo; Clark, Jaime; Kiwi Tichauer, Miguel; Torres, Felipe; Rogan Castillo, José; Valdivia Hepp, Juan (Nature Publishing Group, 2018)
      © 2018, The Author(s). The stochastic dynamics of conserved quantities is an emergent phenomena observed in many complex systems, ranging from social and to biological networks. Using an extension of the Ehrenfest urn model ...