Now showing items 11736-11755 of 20579

    • Kremer, Klaus; Promis Baeza, Álvaro; Mancilla, Gabriel; Magni Díaz, Carlos (Blackwell Publishing, 2019)
      Although regeneration of recalcitrant-seeded tree species can be affected by prolonged drought, especially in Mediterranean regions, little is known about the response of such species to varying site conditions. A field ...
    • Arena Muñoz, Irma Paulina (Universidad de Chile, 2014)
      El objetivo de este trabajo es modelar las dinámicas de lealtad y reputación entre clientes y un monopolista. En un contexto de incertidumbre sobre la capacidad de ofrecer un buen servicio, la firma debe optar entre cubrir ...
    • Bernales Silva, Alejandro; Chen, Louisa; Valenzuela Bravo, Marcela (Elsevier, 2017)
      We use learning in an equilibrium model to explain the puzzling predictive power of the volatility risk premium ( V RP) for option returns. In the model, a representative agent fol- lows a rational Bayesian learning process ...
    • Bernales, Alejandro; Cortázar, Gonzalo; Salamunic, Luka; Skiadopoulos, George (Amer Statistical Assoc, 2020)
      Little is known about the economic sources that may generate the abnormal returns observed in put index options. We show that the learning process followed by investors may be one such source. We develop an equilibrium ...
    • Sandoval Alcocer, Juan; Bergel, Alexandre; Valente, Marco Tulio (ACM, 2016)
      Source code changes may inadvertently introduce performance regressions. Benchmarking each software version is traditionally employed to identify performance regressions. Although e↵ective, this exhaustive approach is ...
    • Modaresi, Sajad; Sauré Valenzuela, Denis; Vielma, Juan Pablo (INFORMS, 2020)
      We study dynamic decision making under uncertainty when, at each period, a decision maker implements a solution to a combinatorial optimization problem. The objective coefficient vectors of said problem, which are unobserved ...
    • Ruiz del Solar, Javier; Palma Amestoy, Rodrigo; Marchant, Román; Parra Tsunekawa, Sebastián Isao; Zegers, Pablo (Elsevier, 2009)
      A methodology for the analysis and design of fall sequences of robots that minimize joint/articulation injuries, and the damage of valuable body parts is proposed. These fall sequences can be activated/triggered by the ...
    • Herrera, Jose; Poblete Labra, Bárbara; Parra, Denis (Springer Verlag, 2018)
      Community Question Answering (cQA) sites have emerged as platforms designed specifically for the exchange of questions and answers among users. Although users tend to find good quality answers in cQA sites, they also engage ...
    • Herrera Maldonado, José Miguel (Universidad de Chile, 2019)
      Las plataformas de redes sociales han cambiado la forma de buscar y encontrar información en la web. En particular, los sitios de Preguntas y Respuestas (QA: Question Answering) han surgido como plataformas diseñadas ...
    • Bernales Silva, Alejandro; Guidolin, Massimo (Elsevier, 2015)
      We develop a general equilibrium asset pricing model under incomplete information and rational learning in order to understand the unexplained predictability of option prices. In our model, the fundamental dividend growth ...
    • Ihle Bascuñán, Christian (Elsevier, 2016)
      The efficient combined use of water and energy in long distance slurry pipelines is analyzed in light of the total cost function resulting from an energy and mass balance. Given a system throughput and a set of common ...
    • González Cariqueo, Sergio Ernesto (Universidad de Chile, 2017)
      Las compañías productoras de cobre y oro deben plantearse diversas estrategias para lograr obtener ventajas competitivas dentro de la industria minera, y en definitiva aumentar su renta económica. Dentro de estas estrategias ...
    • Garrido Cáceres, Cristóbal Nicolás (Universidad de Chile, 2020)
      El espesor óptico de los aerosoles (AOD) es la tasa de agotamiento radiativo en la atmósfera causada por estas partículas. Los fotómetros solares y LIDAR son instrumentos para medir AOD, tienen buena resolución y precisión ...
    • Núñez Castillo, Carmen Gloria; Becerra Rojas, Nelson; Zamora Herrera, Sofía; Galdames Fermandois, Amparo; Sepúlveda Díaz, Sebastián; Morgado Fernández, Paula; Sandoval Muñoz, Catalina; Lillo Fuentes, Fernando; Cornejo Cornejo, Yasna (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, 2020)
    • Majul Salazar, Sergio Antonio (Universidad de Chile, 2013)
      El objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar un plan de negocios destinado a evaluar la conveniencia comercial del proyecto denominado Legal Advisor Chile. Este emprendimiento consiste en una compañía de servicios jurídicos ...
    • Adiego, Joaquín; Navarro, Gonzalo; Fuente, Pablo de la (2007)
      The authors describe Lempel-Ziv to Compress Structure (LZCS), a novel Lempel-Ziv approach suitable for compressing structured documents. LZCS takes advantage of repeated substructures that may appear in the documents, by ...
    • Arroyuelo, Diego; Navarro, Gonzalo (2007)
      Full-text searching consists in locating the occurrences of a given pattern P[1::m] in a text T[1::u], both sequences over an alpha- bet of size ¾. In this paper we de¯ne a new index for full-text searching on secondary ...
    • Ferrada, Héctor; Navarro, Gonzalo (Elsevier Inc., 2019)
      Document retrieval structures index a collection of string documents, to retrieve those that are relevant to query strings p: document listing retrieves all documents where p appears; top-k retrieval retrieves the k most ...
    • Kosolobov, Dmitry; Valenzuela, Daniel; Navarro, Gonzalo; Puglisi, Simon J. (Springer, 2020)
      Lempel-Ziv (LZ77 or, briefly, LZ) is one of the most effective and widely-used compressors for repetitive texts. However, the existing efficient methods computing the exact LZ parsing have to use linear or close to linear ...
    • Campusano Araya, Miguel Enrique (Universidad de Chile, 2013)
      Mientras los programas se vuelven más complejos, nacen nuevos problemas. Uno de ellos es la poca modularidad que se tiene con las llamadas funcionalidades transversales. Estas funcionalidades están dispersas por toda la ...