The Use of Lexical Communication Strategies in the Performance of Oral Tasks by Learners of English as a Second Language

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Doddis J., Alfonsina
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The Use of Lexical Communication Strategies in the Performance of Oral Tasks by Learners of English as a Second Language
Professor Advisor
As learning English has become a necessity all over the world for some time now, due to the phenomenon of globalisation, analysing the aspects involved in second language-acquisition studies has acquired great relevance in the field of applied linguistics. During the past three decades, much attention has been given to the cognitively oriented models of L2 learning and acquisition with greater emphasis being put on learners and learning rather than on teachers and teaching, as was the tendency in the past. The way learners process new information and the different strategies they employ to understand, learn and communicate this information have been primary concerns of researchers of foreign language learning. In that context, the study of the different strategies used by learners of an L2 to resolve communication problems so as to effectively convey their messages has become a relevant issue.