Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Ibáñez, Christian M.; Sepúlveda, Roger D.; Ulloa, Patricio; Keyl, Friedemann; Pardo Gandarillas, María Cecilia (Univ Católica de Valparaíso, 2015)
      The jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas is the most abundant cephalopod species in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, which supports the biggest cephalopod fishery in the world. Due to its growing economic importance, the population ...
    • Ibáñez, Christian M.; Keyl, Friedemann (Springer, 2010)
      Cannibalism refers to the action of consuming a member of the same species and is common in many taxa. This paper reviews the available literature on cannibalism in cephalopods. All species of the class Cephalopoda are ...
    • Ibánez, Christian M.; Argüelles, Juan; Yamashiro, Carmen; Sepúlveda, Roger D.; Pardo Gandarillas, María Cecilia; Keyl, Friedemann (Elsevier, 2016)
      Pelagic squids of continental shelf ecosystems mostly include oceanic and migratory species of the family Ommastrephidae and neritic species of the family Loliginidae. These two families have contrasting life history ...