Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Cardona Salazar, Leydy J.; Busi, Ana; Gómez Castillo, Daniela; Ossa López, Paula A.; Rivera Páez, Fredy A.; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo Alfonso; Castaño Villa, Gabriel Jaime (Revista Biota Neotropica, Brazil, 2021)
      Breeding biology in a population of Rufous-collared Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis, Statius Müller, 1776) at different elevations in the Tropical Andes. Elevation strongly influences the evolution of life history ...
    • Quilodrán, Claudio S.; Sandvig Coleman, Erik Michael; Aguirre, Francisco; Rivero de Aguilar, Juan; Barroso, Omar; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo Alfonso; Rozzi, Ricardo (Springer, 2022)
      A natural laboratory is a place supporting the conditions for hypothesis testing under non-anthropogenic settings. Located at the southern end of the Magellanic sub-Antarctic ecoregion in southwestern South America, the ...
    • Rozzi, Ricardo; Quilodrán, Claudio S.; Botero Delgadillo, Esteban; Napolitano, Constanza; Torres Mura, Juan C.; Barroso, Omar; Crego, Ramiro D.; Bravo, Camila; Ippi, Silvina; Quirici, Verónica; Mackenzie, Roy; Suazo, Cristián G.; Rivero de Aguilar, Juan; Goffinet, Bernard; Kempenaers, Bart; Poulin, Elie Albert; Vásquez Salfate, Rodrigo Alfonso (Nature, 2022)
      We describe a new taxon of terrestrial bird of the genus Aphrastura (rayaditos) inhabiting the Diego Ramirez Archipelago, the southernmost point of the American continent. This archipelago is geographically isolated and ...