Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • San Martín Barrientos, Aurelio; Rovirosa, Juana; Astudillo, Luis; Sepúlveda, Beatriz; Ruiz, Daniela; San Martín Rovirosa, Carol (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2008-01-09)
      Continued investigation of the marine alga Laurencia claviformis has led to the isolation of pacifenol, a halogenated sesquiterpene as the major metabolite. The microbial transformation of pacifenol is reported. It was ...
    • Argandoña,; San Martín Barrientos, Aurelio; Rovirosa, Juana (1993)
      Pacifenol, a halogenated sesquiterpene was isolated from Laurencia claviformis. The effects of pacifenol and two derivatives on survival and feeding behaviour of the aphid Schizaphis graminum were studied. Toxicity of ...
    • San Martín Barrientos, Aurelio; Rovirosa, Juana; Carrasco, Alvaro; Orejarena, Silvia; Soto Delgado, Jorge; Contreras Ramos, Renato; Chamy, M. Cristina (Editorial Board, 2010-11-12)
      The sesquiterpene pacifenol is one of the main constituents of the red alga Laurencia claviformis. Earlier work on the semisynthetic derivatives of pacifenol afforded a series of halogenated sesquiterpenes. The aim of the ...