Browsing by Issue Date Artículos de revistas
Now showing items 1-20 of 647
(1961)Myxomycete plasmodia of severa! species, previously freed from bacteria! contaminants, were grown on oat agar. To thern were added pure cultures of 10 spp. of green algae. Thr'ee species of Chlorella were able to enter ...
(1962)Until the relatively recent work of DANIELS & RuscH (1), opinion differed (2) as to whether myxomycete plasmodia were able to absorb materials in solution from their substrata or whether they were obligately holozoic. ...
(1966)An association in the form of a lichen-like crust ("actinolichen") was obtained by seeding Chlorella xanthella cells and spores of a St1·eptomyces sp. isolated from soil on the surface of potato sections partially immersed ...
(1971)1. Etude des macromycetes récoltés au « Quebrada del Agua» a Pumanque (province de Colchagua) : 13 Ascomycetes, 2 Tremellales, 1 Dacrymycétale, 95 Agaricales, 6 Aphyllophorales et 4 Gastéromycetes. Enumération systématique ...
(1972)Thirteen species of Gasteromycetes are reported for Chile, seven of them for the first time for this country . and one of them, Geastmm jurei Lazo, new to science. Also, there are reported three species of Agaricales ...
(1972)Eight Clavariaceae are reported for Chile, six of them for the first time in this country, of these one species and one variety are new to science, they are Clava1·ia pumanquensis Lazo and Rm1w.1··ia flaccida (Fr.) Ricken ...
(1982)Se presenta una reseña de 1los micetismos comunicados en la 'literatura en Chile por la ingestión de dos especies venenosas: Lepiota locañensis Espinosa y Amanita gemmata (Fr.) Gillet var. toxica Lazo var. nov., que ...
(Universidad de Chile, 1993)Este artículo trata de determinar el desarrollo teórico sobre el campesinado y su capacidad de comprensión e interpretación de la presencia de una gran variedad de formas campesinas en la evolución histórica de diversas ...
(Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, 1994)
(1996)Gynogenetic haploid progenies of rainbow trout, produced using UV light for sperm inactivation, were studied in comparison with normal progenies. In a total of 437 normal embryos, 3.5% of them showed chromosome abnormalities: ...
(Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, 1999)Panonychus ulmi es el ácaro fitófago más importante de las pomáceas en Chile, siendo su principal enemigo natural neoseiulus chilenensis. El control de P. ulmi se ha basado en la aplicación de acaricidas organosintéticos, ...
(2004)Phenotypic and genetic parameter estimates of carcass quality traits were obtained from two pedigreed populations, termed even and odd, of a Coho salmon breeding program. Carcass quality data from 3444 fish (1802 male and ...
(BRILL ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS, 2004)Isoelectrofocusing of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoforms was carried out on the extracts of 117 nematode populations belonging to the so-called Xiphinema americanum-group. These populations came from the USA (77), Chile ...
(ELSEVIER, 2004-08)Two laboratory experiments using a leaf-dip technique evaluated the effect of two detergents, Quix and Nobla, on Panonychus ulmi and P. citri. Fenazaquin 0.01% a.i. was used on P. ulmi as a standard. Mortality increased ...
(Taylor & Francis, 2005)South African production are!3S receive insufficient winter chilling for apple production, necessitating the use of artificial means to break dormancy_ Hydrogen cyanamide (HC) alone or in combination with mineral oil (oil) ...