Now showing items 1-20 of 67

    • Bergoeing Vela, Raphael; Kehoe, Patrick J; Kehoe, Timothy J; Soto, Raimundo (Elsevier, 2002)
      Chile and Mexico experienced severe economic crises in the early 1980s. This paper analyzes four possible explanations for why Chile recovered much faster than Mexico did. Comparing data from the two countries allows us ...
    • Núñez, Alicia; Ramaprasad, Arkalgud; Syn, Thant; López Araya, Harold (Springer, 2020)
      Background Chile, like many other countries, has seen major health reforms. It is now moving towards universal access using social protection strategies. It is essential at this point to have a clear view of the barriers ...
    • Olavarrieta Soto, Sergio; Friedmann, Roberto; Manzur Mobarec, Enrique (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2010)
      The purpose of our study is to extend previous work on brand personality (Aaker 1997). While following Aaker’s recommended methodology, we did so in the context of an emerging market economy such as Chile, and using a ...
    • Gutiérrez, Mauro; Núñez Errázuriz, Javier; Rivera Cayupi, Jorge (Naciones Unidas, 2009)
      Un supuesto de gran parte de los estudios empíricos sobre la criminalidad es que víctimas y victimarios conviven en una misma unidad geográfica, lo cual implica utilizar los rasgos socioeconómicos del lugar de residencia ...
    • Pizarro Hofer, Roberto (Fondo Cultura Económica, 2020)
      Las movilizaciones ciudadanas en Chile no sólo han abierto la oportunidad para desafiar las desigualdades y los abusos, sino también abren camino para impulsar un nuevo modelo económico. Por ello, las demandas del estallido ...
    • López Vega, Ramón; Miller, Sebastian J. (Elsevier, 2008)
      Chile has been cited as a successful case of development. Relatively fast economic growth over almost two decades has been accompanied by a significant reduction in absolute poverty. However, persistent economic growth and ...
    • Jara, Mauricio; López-Iturriaga, Félix; San Martín, Pablo; Saona, Paolo; Tenderini, Giannina (Elsevier, 2019)
      In this paper we analyse the relationship between the investment of Pension Fund Managers (AFPs) and the cost of corporate debt (public and private). Using a sample of 93 non-financial Chilean listed firms between 2009 and ...
    • Núñez Errázuriz, Javier; Gutiérrez, Roberto (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2004-12)
      This paper studies class discrimination and meritocracy in the Chilean labor market. Employing a dataset rich in productivity and class measures, we find that upper-class professionals earn approximately 50 per cent more ...
    • Aroca, Patricio; Bosch, Mariano (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2000-12)
      We have revisited the research about Chilean regional convergence. Using a set of tools from the spatial econometrics we find support for the most of the previous conclusion in the literature about this topic. However, ...
    • Bravo Ureta, Boris E.; Jara Rojas, Roberto Alejandro; Moreira López, Víctor H.; Riveros Villegas, Patricio Pedro (Pontificia Univ Católica Chile, 2021)
      Productivity measurement and analysis have motivated considerable theoretical and empirical work in recent decades. Models that have enjoyed noticeable expansion are stochastic production frontiers for panel data. These ...
    • Núñez Errázuriz, Javier; Rivera Cayupi, Jorge; Villavicencio, Xavier; Molina, Oscar (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2003-06)
      Este trabajo, pionero en nuestro país, analiza los determinantes de la criminalidad en Chile a nivel regional por medio de la estimación de un panel estático para las trece regiones geográficas entre 1988 y 2000. Basándose ...
    • Rotarou, Elena; Sakellariou, Dikaios (BMC, 2018-07-06)
      Background: Preventive health services play a vital role in population health. However, access to such services is not always equitably distributed. In this article, we examine the barriers affecting utilisation rates of ...
    • Agostini González, Claudio; Martínez Alvear, Claudia; Flores A., Bárbara (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe, 2012)
      This paper estimates the distributional effects that would result from eliminating the differential tax treatment of business and personal income in the Chilean tax system, as well as from the elimination of the main ...
    • Jara Bertín, Mauricio; López Iturriaga, Félix; Espinosa, Christian (Elsevier Doyma, 2015)
      We analyze the effect of two types of corporate diversification (business diversification and ownership diversification) on the market value of the Chilean firms. For a sample of 83 nonfinancial firms listed on the ...
    • Rotarou, Elena S. (Springer, 2018-07)
      Chile is considered as one of the safest countries in Latin America, with a below-the-average world crime rate. However, during the last few decades, the country has experienced a deterioration in public perceptions of ...
    • Contreras Guajardo, Dante; Neilson, Christopher; Hermann Anguita, Jorge; Cooper, Ryan (Cambridge University Press, 2008-05)
      This paper uses the 1996–2001 National Socioeconomic Survey panel database to analyse poverty dynamics in Chile, drawing a distinction between chronic and transient poverty. We found that while 20 per cent of the ...
    • Agostini, Claudio A.; Martínez Alvear, Claudia; Río Flores, Bárbara del (Naciones Unidas, 2012)
      En este trabajo se estiman los efectos distributivos de la eliminación del tratamiento diferencial de ingresos empresariales respecto de los ingresos individuales en el sistema tributario chileno, así como de eliminar ...
    • Gutiérrez, Héctor (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1996-06)
      En este artículo se estima el factor de crowding out entre inversión pública y privada relevante para Chile, apropiado para su uso en el cálculo de la tasa social de descuento. Para ello se utiliza un modelo macroeconómico ...
    • Cancino del Castillo, Christian; Coronado Martínez, Freddy (Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración, 2014)
      Purpose – Although much has been studied about the characteristics of born-global firms in developed countries, studies about developing economies are far and few between and most tend to be exploratory. The paper aims ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto; Crespi, Gustavo (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2000-12)
      During recent decades, the good performance of the export sector has been one of the main sources of fast economic growth in the Chilean economy. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of some public promotion instruments ...