Now showing items 41-60 of 11581

    • Ríos, David; Valderrama, Jaime A.; Quiroga, Gonzalo; Michea, Jonathan; Salas, Felipe; Álvarez Duarte, Eduardo Andrés; Venegas Casanova, Edmundo A.; Jara Aguilar, Rafael; Navarro Retamal, Carlos; Buc Caldero, Pedro; Benites, Julio (MDPI, 2022)
      The high rates of morbidity and mortality due to fungal infections are associated with a limited antifungal arsenal and the high toxicity of drugs. Therefore, the identification of novel drug targets is challenging due to ...
    • Sabaj Diez, Valeria; Osorio Abarzúa, Carlos Gonzalo (Sociedad Médica de Santiago, Chile, 2022)
      Dr. Vicente Izquierdo San Fuentes was the first professor of Histology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile. In that Chair, cell theory strongly radiated to new generations of health students. However, the ...
    • Canales Díaz, María Belén; Olivares Valenzuela, Carolina Belén; Ramírez Arriagada, Amanda Luna; Cruz Montecinos, Carlos Vicente; Vilaró, Jordi; Torres Castro, Rodrigo Hernán; Núñez Cortés, Rodrigo Ignacio (Frontiers Media, 2022)
      Background: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have systemic damage secondary to the primary pulmonary impairment, expressed in impaired peripheral musculature and a deficit in postural control ...
    • Blanco, Estela; Marin, Marcela; Núñez, Loreto; Retamal, Erika; Ossa, Ximena; Woolley, Katherine E.; Oludotun, Tosin; Bartington, Suzanne E.; Delgado Saborit, Juana María; Harrison, Roy M.; Ruiz Rudolph, Pablo Alejandro; Quinteros, María Elisa (Pan American Health Organization, 2022)
      Objective. To estimate the point prevalence and likely ranges of pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, low birth weight and preterm delivery in Latin America and the Caribbean, and evaluate ...
    • Blanco Santana, Rancés; Carrillo Beltrán, Diego Antonio; Muñoz, Juan P.; Osorio, Julio C.; Tapia Pineda, Julio César; Burzi, Verónica A.; Gallegos Méndez, Iván Marcelo; Calaf, Gloria M.; Chabay, Paola; Aguayo González, Francisco Renán (MDPI, 2022)
      High-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPVs) are the etiological agents of cervical cancer. However, a low proportion of HR-HPV-infected women finally develop this cancer, which suggests the involvement of additional cofactors. ...
    • Caqueo Urízar, Alejandra; Peroza, Erika; Escobar Soler, Carolang; Flores, Jerome; Urzúa, Alfonso; Irarrázaval Domínguez, Matías; Reygadas, Karina; Zegarra, Gustavo (MDPI, 2022)
      Background: Religious involvement and spirituality have proven to be sources of well-being for individuals at different moments in life and are also associated with a decrease in depression, anxiety, and substance use. ...
    • Deese, Jennifer; Brache, Vivan; Bahamondes, Luis; Salinas Quero, Soledad Abril; Jorge, Aidelis; Veiga, Nelio; Fuchs, Rachael; Miller, Ashley; Taylor, Doug; Halpern, Vera; Dorflinger, Laneta (Elsevier, 2022)
      Background Sayana Press (R) is a 3-monthly contraceptive injection approved by regulatory agencies in more than 40 countries worldwide. Existing effectiveness and pharmacokinetics (PK) data suggest that high contraceptive ...
    • Speranza, Mario; Gómez Mesa, Juan E.; Fairman, Enrique; Rossel Mariángel, Víctor; Fernández, Felipe N.; Saldarriaga, Clara; Pow-Chon, Freddy; Quesada, Daniel; Ramos, Carlos E.; Rodríguez, Iris; Jerez, Ana; Chávez, Adolfo; Núñez, Elaine; Pereda, Maximiliano; Chazzin, Gerardo; Sosa Liprandi, María I.; Romero, Alexander (Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, 2023)
      La insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) es una patología que afecta al 1% de la población y se encuentra acompañada de deficiencia de hierro como comorbilidad en el 50% de los casos. La anemia, por su parte, está presente en el ...
    • Marimán Rivero, Juan José; Lorca, Enrique; Biancardi, Carlo; Burgos Concha, Pablo Ignacio; Álvarez Ruf, Joel (Frontiers Media, 2022)
      Stroke is a neurological condition that impacts activity performance and quality of life for survivors. While neurological impairments after the event explain the performance of patients in specific activities, the origin ...
    • Alvarez, Carla; Abdalla, Henrique; Suliman, Salwa; Rojas, Paola; Wu, Yu-Chiao; Almarhoumi, Rawan; Huang, Ren-Yeong; Galindo Díaz, Mario Alex; Vernal Astudillo, Rolando Marcelo; Kantarci, Alpdogan (Frontiers Media, 2022)
    • Álvarez Muñoz, Hernán; Vicencio Jiménez, Sergio; Jorratt, Pascal; Délano Reyes, Paul Hinckley; Terreros, Gonzalo (Frontiers Media, 2022)
      Cholinergic transmission is essential for survival and reproduction, as it is involved in several physiological responses. In the auditory system, both ascending and descending auditory pathways are modulated by cholinergic ...
    • Li, Yiran E.; Sowers, James R.; Hetz Flores, Claudio Andrés; Ren, Jun (Nature, 2022)
      The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria are interconnected intracellular organelles with vital roles in the regulation of cell signaling and function. While the ER participates in a number of biological processes ...
    • Cottin Arredondo, Marianne; Blum, Kathrin; Konjufca, Jon; Quevedo Labbé, Iván Yamil; Kaaya, Sylvia; Behn, Alex; Schmeck, Klaus; Sharp, Carla; Zimmermann, Ronan (BMC, 2022)
      Question Most adolescents live in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), and about 10% of them face mental problems. The mental health provision gap in low- and middle-income countries could be addressed by evidence-based ...
    • Benavides Cordoba, Vicente; Barros Poblete, Marisol; Vieira, Rodolfo P.; Mazzucco, Guillermo; Fregonezi, Guilherme; Torres Castro, Rodrigo Hernán (Sage, 2022)
      Introduction The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has significantly altered the provision of rehabilitation services, especially pulmonary rehabilitation (PR). Our objective was to assess the provision of PR services ...
    • Varela Moraga, Virginia; Jara, Cristina; Aravena, Paulina (Asociación Latinoamericana de Neuropsicología, 2021)
      La neuropsicología infantil estudia la relación entre funciones mentales superiores y las bases neuro-anatomofuncionales subyacentes en un cerebro en desarrollo. Lo anterior es de vital importancia dado que posibles ...
    • Varela Moraga, Virginia Miriam; Arce Montero, Constanza Belén; Osorio Saldaña, Camila Paz; Ramírez Carreño, Fernanda; Quezada Gaponov, Camilo (Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Fonoaudiología, 2023)
      Las investigaciones muestran que un número importante de niños nacidos prematuros (antes de las 37 semanas de gestación) presentan dificultades en su desarrollo, entre ellas el desarrollo lingüístico. Las investigaciones ...
    • Varela Moraga, Virginia Miriam; Diethelm Varela, Benjamín; Pérez Pereira, Miguel (Frontiers, 2023)
      Introduction: Very and extremely preterm children have been found to show delays in the development of language in early years. In some investigations, however, a rigorous control of biomedical complications, such as ...
    • Urzúa Salinas, Cristhian Alejandro; Herbort, Carl P.; Takeuchi, Masaru; Schlaen, Ariel; Concha del Río, Luz E.; Usui, Yoshihiko; Cuitino, Loreto; Papasavvas, Ioannis (Springer, 2022)
      Background Appraisals of Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (VKH) have become progressively more complete, since its first description in 1906. The availability of new investigational methods has improved our knowledge of the ...
    • Villaseca Rojas, Yenny; Varela Melo, Javiera; Torres Castro, Rodrigo Hernán; Vasconcello Castillo, Luis Eduardo; Mazzucco, Guillermo; Vilaró, Jordi; Blanco, Isabel (Frontiers Media, 2022)
      Background: Congenital heart disease (CHD) entails structural defects in the morphogenesis of the heart or its main vessels. Analyzing exercise capacity of children and adolescents with CHD is important to improve their ...
    • López Cortés, Andrés; Guerrero, Santiago; Ortiz Prado, Esteban; Yumiceba, Verónica; Vera Guapi, Antonella; León Cáceres, Ángela; Simbaña Rivera, Katherine; Gómez Jaramillo, Ana María; Echeverría Garcés, Gabriela; García Cárdenas, Jennyfer M.; Guevara Ramírez, Patricia; Cabrera Andrade, Alejandro; Puig San Andrés, Lourdes; Cevallos Robalino, Doménica; Bautista, Jhommara; Armendáriz Castillo, Isaac; Pérez Villa, Andy; Abad Sojos, Andrea; Ramos Medina, María José; León Sosa, Ariana; Abarca, Estefanía; Pérez Meza, Álvaro A.; Nieto Jaramillo, Karol; Jácome, Andrea V.; Morillo, Andrea; Arias Erazo, Fernanda; Fuenmayor González, Luis; Quiñones Sepúlveda, Luis Abel; Kyriakidis, Nikolaos C. (Frontiers Media, 2022)
      Background: It is imperative to identify drugs that allow treating symptoms of severe COVID-19. Respiratory failure is the main cause of death in severe COVID-19 patients, and the host inflammatory response at the lungs ...