Now showing items 335-354 of 530

    • Urzúa Tobar, Ulises; Chacón, C.; Sarmiento, S.; Lizama, L.; Ampuero, S.; Marcelain Cubillos, Katherine; Villalobos, P.; González, M. J.; Romero Osses, Carmen (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015)
    • Torres Diaz, Ruben (Sociedad Chilena de Infectología, 2015)
      Although arteriovenous fistula is the recommended vascular access for chronic hemodialysis, still high numbers of patients receiving dialysis through tunneled hemodialysis catheters are observed in Chile. Several studies ...
    • Rozas, BA; Urra, JV; Garzon, JG (Sociedad Chilena de Infectologia, 2020)
    • Levis, Brooke; Benedetti, Andrea; Ioannidis, John P.A.; Sun, Ying; Negeri, Zelalem; He, Chen; W, Yin; Krishnan, Ankur; Bhandari, Parash Mani; Neupane, Dipika; Imran, Mahrukh; Rice, Danielle B.; Riehm, Kira E.; Saadat, Nazanin; Azara, Marleine; Boruffl, Jill; Cuijpers, Pim; Gilbody, Simon; Kloda, Lorie A.; McMillan, Dean; Patten, Scott B.; Shrier, Ian; Ziegelstein, Roy C.; Alamri, Sultan H.; Amtmann, Dagmar; Ayalon, Liat; Baradaran, Hamid R.; Beraldi, Anna; Bernstein, Charles N.; Bhana, Arvin; Bombardier, Charles H.; Carter, Gregory; Chagas, Marcos H.; Chibanda, Dixon; Clover, Kerrie; Conwell, Yeates; Diez Quevedo, Crisanto; Fann, Jesse R.; Fischer, Felix H.; Gholizadeh, Leila; Gibson, Lorna J.; Green, Eric P.; Greeno, Catherine G.; Hall, Brian J.; Haroz, Emily E.; Ismail, Khalida; Jetté, Nathalie; Khamseh, Mohammad E.; Kwan, Yunxin; Lara, María Asunción; Liu, Shen-Ing; Loureiro, Sonia R.; Löwe, Bernd; Marrie, Ruth Ann; Marsh, Laura; McGuire, Anthony; Muramatsu, Kumiko; Navarrete, Laura; Osório, Flávia L.; Petersen, Inge; Picardii, Angelo; Pugh, Stephanie L.; Quinn, Terence J.; Rooney, Inge; Shinn, Eileen H.; Sidebottom, Abbey; Spangenberg, Lena; Tan, Pei Lin Lynnette; Taylor-Rowan, Martin; Turner, Alyna; van Weert, Henk C.; Vöhringer Cárdenas, Paul A.; Wagner, Lynne I.; White, Jennifer; Winkley, Kirsty; Thombs, Brett D. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Objectives: Depression symptom questionnaires are not for diagnostic classification. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scores >= 10 are nonetheless often used to estimate depression prevalence. We compared PHQ-9 >= ...
    • Aguilera, R. E; Tordecilla Fernández, Rocío Pilar; Peralta, T. (Wiley, 2017)
    • Mendoza Inzunza, Laura; Horta, Paula; Espinoza, José; Aguilera, Miguel; Balmaceda, Nicolás; Castro Lara, Ariel; Ruiz Carmona, Mauricio; Díaz, Orlando; Hopkinson, Nicholas (EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOC JOURNALS, 2015)
      Physical inactivity is a cardinal feature of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Pedometers, which have been used in healthy populations, might also ...
    • Vinay Barriga, José Ignacio; Moreno, Daniel; Rajmil, Osvaldo; Ruiz Castañe, Eduard; Sánchez Curbelo, Josvany (Springer, 2020)
      Purpose Over the last decade, penile low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (LI-ESWT) has emerged as a promising alternative for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). The aim of this trial is to assess the ...
    • Alvarez Espinoza, Evelyn; Aranda Galaz, Rolando; Cerna, Marcela; Gallegos Berríos, Sebastián; Guzmán, María Paz; Parraguez, Elizabeth; Peters, Sergio; Santis, Nelson (Sociedad Chilena de Medicina Intensiva. División Fonoaudiología y Terapia Ocupacional, 2022)
    • Elgueta Segura, Leticia; Ricci Larrea, Lara; Vargas, D.; Wurmann Kiblisky, Pamela; Goecke Sariego, Irmgadt (BMJ, 2017)
    • Cañete, Óscar M.; Almasio, Viviana; Torrente Avendaño, Mariela; Purdy, Suzanne C. (Taylor & Francis, 2020)
      Objective: The aim of the current study is to assess the performance of the staggered spondaic word Spanish Version (SSW-SV) in a group of older adults with bilateral hearing loss.Materials and methods: A retrospective ...
    • Soto Vilches, Felipe; Vera Kellet, Cristián (Elsevier, 2017)
      El pioderma gangrenoso es una dermatosis ulceronecrótica que representa un desafío importante parael clínico no solo porque puede simular otras dermatosis, sino porque en general no responde a lostratamientos habituales. ...
    • Markin, Pavel A.; Brito, Alex; Moskaleva, Natalia; Fodor, Miguel; Lartsova, Ekaterina, V; Shpot, Yevgeny V.; Lerner, Yulia; Mikhajlov, Vasily Y.; Potoldykova, Natalia,V.; Enikeev, Dimitry, V.; Lyundup, Alexey, V; Appolonova, Svetlana A. (Oxford University Press, 2020)
      Objective: Sarcosine was postulated in 2009 as a biomarker for prostate cancer (PCa). Here, we assess plasma sarcosine as a biomarker that is complementary to prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Methods: Plasma sarcosine ...
    • Bravo C., Gustavo; Panussis F., Felipe; Naser González, Alfredo; Carrasco D., María (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2010)
      Extramedullary plasmocytoma is a rare plasmatic cell neoplasia which mostly compromises the head and neck (80-90%). On initial presentation they must be differentiated from multiple myeloma This may prove to be difficult ...
    • Amerio, Andrea; Russo, Daniel; Miletto, Norberto; Aguglia, Andrea; Costanza, Alessandra; Benatti, Beatrice; Odone, Anna; Barroilhet Diez, Sergio Andrés; Brakoulias, Vlasios; Dell’Osso, Bernardo; Serafini, Gianluca; Amore, Mario; Ghaemi, S. Nassir (Wiley, 2021)
      Objectives: Polypharmacy is common in maintenance treatment of bipolar illness, but proof of greater efficacy compared to monotherapy is assumed rather than well known. We systematically reviewed the evidence from the ...
    • González Victoriano, Rafael; Rojas, Macarena; Ardila, Alfredo (Routledge, 2020)
    • Posters 
      Arab, JP; Baeza, N; Diaz, LA; Idalsoaga, FJ; Arraez, DM; Ventura-Cots, M; Zhang, W; Ahn, J; Simonetto, DA; Mehta, T; Stefanescu, H; Horhat, A; Bumbu, A; Dunn, W; Attar, BM; Agrawal, R; Cabezas, J; Parker, R; Sans, MP; Pastor, GS; Sarin, SK; Maiwall, R; Jalal, PK; Abdulsada, S; De La Tijera, MH; Kulkarni, AV; Salazar, PG; Skladany, L; Bystrianska, N; Gonzalez, VEP; Clemente, A; Rincon, D; Haider, T; Cairo, F; Cohelo, MD; Romero, G; Pollarsky, F; Restrepo, JC; Rendon, LGT; Yaquich, P; Mendizabal, M; Garrido, ML; Marciano, S; Bessone, FO; Marcelo, JS; Piombino, D; Dirchwolf, M; Arancibia, JP; Altamirano, J; Kim, W; Araujo, RC; Duarte-Rojo, A; Blasco, VMV; Rautou, PE; Zamarripa, F; Aldo, T; Lucey, MR; Mathurin, P; Garcia-Tsao, G; Gonzalez, JA; Verna, BC; Brown, RS; Roblero, JP; Abraldes, JG; Arrese, M; Shah, V; Kamath, PS; Singal, AK; Bataller, R (Wiley, 2020)
    • Rojas Jara, Verónica Andrea; Romero Patiño, Carlos Miguel; Tobar, Daniel; Álvarez Espinoza, Evelyn Angélica; Aranda Galaz, Rolando; Bugedo, Guillermo; Cariqueo Arriagada, Marcial Emilio; Sepúlveda, Idalia; Sánchez Valenzuela, Juan Eduardo; Tobar Almonacid, Eduardo Andrés (Sociedad Médica de Santiago, Chile, 2021)
      The appropriate use of analgesia, sedation, neuromuscular blockade and the diagnosis and prevention of delirium (ASBD) are associated with better outcomes in critically ill patients at Intensive Care Unit (ICUs). Aim: ...
    • Pradier, Melanie F.; Hughes, Michael C.; McCoy, Thomas H.; Barroilhet Diez, Sergio; Doshi Velez, Finale; Perlis, Roy H. (Springer Nature, 2020)
      We aimed to develop and validate classification models able to identify individuals at high risk for transition from a diagnosis of depressive disorder to one of bipolar disorder. This retrospective health records cohort ...
    • Blanch A., Costescu F., Slinger P. (Springer, 2020)
    • Von Hoveling, Andrea; Carrasco, Lilian; Weitzel, Thomas; Martínez, Gioconda; Riquelme, Cristina; Sepúlveda, Paula; Ojeda, Hugo (Elsevier, 2020)
      Genital tract bleeding in prepubertal girls is a rare clinical condition, which can occur for multiple reasons. It frequently generates anxiety in the family and in health care professionals. A thorough anamnesis and careful ...