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Authordc.contributor.authorBozinovic, Francisco 
Authordc.contributor.authorSabat Kirkwood, Alejandro Pablo es_CL
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationCURRENT ZOOLOGY, Volume: 56, Issue: 6, Pages: 759-766, 2010es_CL
General notedc.descriptionArtículo de publicación ISIes_CL
Abstractdc.description.abstractThe food habits hypothesis (FHH) stands as one of the most striking and often-cited interspecific patterns to emerge from comparative studies of endothermic energetics. The FHH identifies three components of diet that potentially produce variability in mass-independent BMR, i.e. food quality, food availability, and food predictability or environmental productivity. The hypothesis predicts that species with diets of low energy content and/or low digestibility should evolve low mass-independent BMRs. The effects of food habits on BMR have been widely investigated at the interspecific level, but the variation between individuals and populations has been largely ignored. Our focus is to compare predictions derived from interspecific studies with data collected from within-species studies to explore the mechanisms and functional significance of adaptive responses predicted by the food-habits hypothesis among birds. We conclude that if BMR is correlated with daily energy expenditure, then organisms that can lower BMR will reduce daily energy expenditure and hence, food requirements. Birds that lower BMR in stressful environments may increase survival. Nevertheless, the mechanism (s) by which birds eating a low quality diet reduce BMR and whether lower BMR affects fitness remain to be determinedes_CL
Patrocinadordc.description.sponsorshipFunded by FONDAP 1501-0001 to FB and FONDECYT 1080077 to PS. David Swanson kindly invited us to submit this article.es_CL
Keywordsdc.subjectIntraspecific comparisonses_CL
Títulodc.titleOn the intraspecific variability in basal metabolism and the food habits hypothesis in birdses_CL
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista

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