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Authordc.contributor.authorDhaunchak, Ajit S. 
Authordc.contributor.authorHuang, Jeffrey K. es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorDe Faria Junior, Omar es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorRoth Metcalfe, Alejandro Darío es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorPedraza, Liliana es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorAntel, Jack P. es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorBar-Or, Amit es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorColman, David R. es_CL
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationGLIA, Volume: 58, Issue: 16, Pages: 1949-1960, 2010es_CL
General notedc.descriptionArtículo de publicación ISIes_CL
Abstractdc.description.abstractCompact myelin, the paranode, and the juxtaparanode are discrete domains that are formed on myelinated axons. In humans, neurological disorders associated with loss of myelin, including Multiple Sclerosis, often also result in disassembly of the node of Ranvier. Despite the importance of these domains in the proper functioning of the CNS, their molecular composition and assembly mechanism remains largely unknown. We therefore performed a large-scale proteomics MudPIT screen for the identification of proteins in human myelin and axogliasomal fractions. We identified over 1,000 proteins in these fractions. Since even minor perturbations in neuron-glial interactions can uncouple the glial support of axons, the proteome map presented here can be used as a reference library for ‘‘myelin health’’ and disease states, including white matter disorders such as leukodystrophies and multiple sclerosis.es_CL
Patrocinadordc.description.sponsorshipRio Tinto Alcan, The Molson Foundation, The Myelin Repair Foundation, Center of Excellence Award [(2007) Government of Canada], MS Society of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship.es_CL
Publisherdc.publisherWILEY-LISS, DIV JOHN WILEY & SONS INCes_CL
Títulodc.titleA Proteome Map of Axoglial Specializations Isolated and Purified from Human Central Nervous Systemes_CL
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista

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