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Authordc.contributor.authorVega Zúniga, Tomás 
Authordc.contributor.authorMpodozis Marín, Jorge es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorMarín Game, Gonzalo es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorKarten, Harvey J. es_CL
Authordc.contributor.authorHain, Sarah 
Authordc.contributor.authorLuksch, Harald 
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationJ. Comp. Neurol. 522:2377–2396, 2014.en_US
Identifierdc.identifier.otherDOI 10.1002/cne.23539
General notedc.descriptionArtículo de publicación ISIen_US
Abstractdc.description.abstractThe nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars ventralis (GLv) is a prominent retinal target in all amniotes. In birds, it is in receipt of a dense and topographically organized retinal projection. The GLv is also the target of substantial and topographically organized projections from the optic tectum and the visual wulst (hyperpallium). Tectal and retinal afferents terminate homotopically within the external GLvneuropil. Efferents from the GLv follow a descending course through the tegmentum and can be traced into the medial pontine nucleus. At present, the cells of origin of the Tecto-GLv projection are only partially described. Here we characterized the laminar location, morphology, projection pattern, and neurochemical identity of these cells by means of neural tracer injections and intracellular fillings in slice preparations and extracellular tracer injections in vivo. The Tecto-GLv projection arises from a distinct subset of layer 10 bipolar neurons, whose apical dendrites show a complex transverse arborization at the level of layer 7. Axons of these bipolar cells arise from the apical dendrites and follow a course through the optic tract to finally form very fine and restricted terminal endings inside the GLv-neuropil. Double-label experiments showed that these bipolar cells were choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)- immunoreactive. Our results strongly suggest that Tecto- GLv neurons form a pathway by which integrated tectal activity rapidly feeds back to the GLv and exerts a focal cholinergic modulation of incoming retinal inputs.en_US
Patrocinadordc.description.sponsorshipGrant sponsor: Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Cient ıfico y Tecnol ogico; Grant numbers: 1110281, 1120124, 1080220.en_US
Type of licensedc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile*
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri*
Keywordsdc.subjectoptic tectumen_US
Títulodc.titleMorphology, Projection Pattern, and Neurochemical Identity of Cajal’s “Centrifugal Neurons”: The Cells of Origin of the Tectoventrogeniculate Pathway in Pigeon (Columba livia) and Chicken (Gallus gallus)en_US
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista

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