Quantifying climate change in Huelmo mire (Chile, Northwestern Patagonia) during the Last Glacial Termination using a newly developed chironomid-based temperature model
The development of quantitative temperature reconstructions in regions of paleoclimate interest is an important
step for providing reliable temperature estimates in that region. Fossil chironomid assemblages have been
studied in Patagonia showing great promise for reconstructing paleotemperatures; however there is still a lack
of robust temperature inference models in that area.
To contribute to the understanding of climate change, a transfer function using chironomids preserved in 46 lakes
in Chile and Argentina was developed. The best performing model to infer the mean air temperature of the
warmest month was a 3-component WA-PLS model with a coefficient of correlation (r2jack) of 0.56, a root
mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) of 1.69[grados]C and a maximum bias of 2.07[grados]C. This model was applied to
the chironomids preserved in the sediment of the Huelmomire (41 [grados]31 'S, 73[grados]00 'W), in the lake district of northwestern
Patagonia. The reconstruction showed several cold spells (one at 13,200 to 13,000 cal yr BP and a cooling
trend between 12,600 and 11,500 cal yr BP) associated with the Younger Dryas and/or Huelmo.Mascardi Cold
Reversal (HMCR). Our findings support climate models proposing fast acting inter-hemispheric coupling mechanisms
including the recently proposed bipolar atmospheric and/or bipolar ocean teleconnections rather than a
bipolar see-saw model
JM acknowledges G. Denton
and COMER Science Foundation for providing financial support and
M. Colombres for lab assistance.
Quantifying climate change in Huelmo mire (Chile, Northwestern Patagonia) during the Last Glacial Termination using a newly developed chironomid-based temperature model