This study compares the bony ear morphology of freshwater and marine odontocetes (toothed whales).
Odontocetes are unique among marine mammals in two important respects: 1) they use echolocation; 2) at
least three lineages have independently evolved obligate freshwater habits from marine ancestries. Freshwater
odontocetes include the so-called “river dolphins,” a paraphyletic group that each evolved convergent external
morphological characters that distinguish them from oceanic dolphins (Delphinoidea). In addition to their convergent
externalmorphology, “river dolphins” all have echolocation that use one peak (narrow-band) frequency
around 100 kHz, compared to oceanic delphinoidswhich use a two peak (bimodal) frequency ranging from 40 to
140 kHz. The differences in echolocation suggest that the sensory systems responsible for detecting these different
sound frequencies should also differ, although quantitative assessments of the cetacean hearing system
remain understudied and taxonomically undersampled. To test if ear bone morphology reflects underlying environmentally
driven differences in echolocation ability,we assembled a dataset of odontocete periotics (n=114)
from extant and fossil species. We examined 18 external and three internal linear periotic measurements, the
latter of whichwere examined using cone-beamscanning tomography. Results frommultivariate canonical ordination
analyses show that periotic height, periotic thickness and pars cochlearis width collectively explain the
largest amount of interspecific variation in our dataset. Because these particular ear bone measurements correspond
to acoustic hearing ranges,we propose that they are also proxies for environmental preference (i.e.,marine,
freshwater and intermediate habitats) and may be useful for deciphering environmental preferences of extinct
C.S.G was funded by CONICYT, Becas Chile, Departamento de Postgrado
y Postítulo of the Vicerrectoría de Asuntos Académicos of Universidad
de Chile and the Smithsonian Institution's Remington Kellogg Fund. This
manuscript was also written with support from a NMNH Small Grant
Award, the Smithsonian Institution's Remington Kellogg Fund and a
National Geographic Society Committee on Research Exploration grant
(8903-11) to N.D.P. R.E.Y.-Y. was funded by a master's degree CONICYTChile
scholarship from the Programa de Formación de Capital Humano
Avanzado. This paper is Caldera Paleontology Project contribution No. 2.