Finite size scaling in the local abundances of geographic populations
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Abades, Sebastián R.
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Finite size scaling in the local abundances of geographic populations
We analyzed the statistical distribution of intra-specifi c local abundances for a set North American breeding bird species. We constructed
frequency plots for every species and found that they showed long-tail power-law behavior, truncated at an upper abundance cut-off
value. Based on fi nite size scaling arguments, we investigated whether frequency curves may be considered scaled copies of each other.
Data collapse was possible after taking powers of the total abundance of each species, in order to correct deviations from the underlying
universal fi nite size scaling function (UFSS). The UFSS power law exponent oscillated in time within the regime of unbounded variance,
which is consistent with the wild fl uctuations that characterize ecological phenomena. We speculate that our results may eventually be
linked to other law-like macroecological phenomena, such as energetic constraints reported in allometric scaling.
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Biol Res 44: 107-112, 2011