Efecto del ácido indolbutírico, del tipo de la cama de arraigamiento, del substrato, y del árbol madre en la capacidad de arraigamiento de estacas de Nothofagus glauca (Phil.) Krasser

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Santelices Moya, Rómulo
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Efecto del ácido indolbutírico, del tipo de la cama de arraigamiento, del substrato, y del árbol madre en la capacidad de arraigamiento de estacas de Nothofagus glauca (Phil.) Krasser
Nothofagus glauca (Phil.) Krasser is a tree of conservation concern that is characteristic for the mesomorphic
zone of Chile. Techniques for vegetative propagation of this species are not well known. In this study, the
rooting capacity of stem cuttings was investigated. Using vegetative material collected in November 1995 and
1997, the effect of indolebutyric acid (IBA = 0, 0.5, 1, and 2 %), bed rooting system (bottom heating and
without temperature control), substrate (sawdust and bark compost of Pinus radiata D. Don), and parent tree
on rhizogenesis was analyzed. Experiments were conducted for 2.5-4 months in a greenhouse. The greenhouse
was equipped with an automatic misting system and bottom heating that maintained a temperature of 21-25 °C
at the stem base. Results indicate that N. glauca can be propagated from stem cuttings collected from root
sprouts in November. Rooting capacity increased with IBA concentrations up to 1 % (88 % of the stem
cuttings presented rooting), and decreased at a concentration of 2 %. The presence of leaves was fundamental
for the survival and rhizogenesis – only those stem cuttings with leaves managed to survive and induce root
formation. No effect of basal temperature was noted on the rooting capacity consequently, temperature
controlled rooting beds are not necessary. Sawdust produced more roots and was the most effective substrate.
A marked influence of the parent tree on rooting capacity was observed as well in terms of the percentage of
cuttings with roots (6.7-80 % rooting) as in length and quantity of the developed roots.
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/120345
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Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 79: 55-64, 2006