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Now showing items 1-20 of 216
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2002)
(2006)Nothofagus glauca (Phil.) Krasser is a tree of conservation concern that is characteristic for the mesomorphic zone of Chile. Techniques for vegetative propagation of this species are not well known. In this study, ...
(BLACKWELL, 2006-04)1. We review the status of the four currently recognized guanaco Lama guanicoe subspecies, and provide information about their taxonomy and distribution. The success of guanaco in inhabiting open habitats of South America ...
(2007)El objetivo general del presente estudio fue la modelación del ensayo de carga estática concentrada (Consentrated Static Load test, CSL) de acuerdo a Voluntary Product Standard PS 2-92 y APA PRP-108 y a través de este ...
(2007)En 1998 se detectó en Chile al gorgojo del eucalipto, Gonipterus scutellatus (Gyllenhal, 1833) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), uno de los principales defoliadores del género Eucalyptus, que causa pérdidas de crecimiento y ...
(2007)En el desarrollo de tecnologías para la obtención de energía de recursos naturales renovables más económicas y amigables con el ambiente, los materiales lignocelulósicos como la madera son una fuente interesante. La ...
(Universidad de Chile, 2007)Los tableros de fibrocemento se fabrican en un proceso continuo a partir de la mezcla homogénea e íntima de cemento, agua, arena y fibras de celulosa. Se ocupan en obras de edificación, para elementos constructivos ...
(2007)Gonipterus scutellatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a pest of eucalyptus in Chile. Susceptibility of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. globulus ssp. globulus, and E. robusta to larval feeding were studied by determining foliar ...
(2007)We assessed the conservation status of the Chilean Woodstar Eulidia yarrellii, a small hummingbird endemic to a few desert valleys of northern Chile and southern Peru. Although no population studies had been conducted, ...
(2007)A grease matrix was loaded with pheromone components for Pandenmis pyrusana and Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), two synchronic and sympatric species affecting apple orchards in Washington, USA. The ...
Systematics, taxonomy and domestication of alpaca and llama: new chromosomal and molecular evidence (2007)Four camelid species exist in South America: two wild, the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the vicuna (Victigna vicugna), and two domestic, the alpaca (Lama pacos) and the llama (Lama glama). However, the origin of the domestic ...
(2007)Heliotropium glutinosum Phil. (Heliotropiceae) is a resinous bush that grows at a height of 2000 in in Chanaral, Chile. From the resinous exudates of Heliotropium glutinosum Phil. a new aromatic geranyl derivative: ...
(Universidad de Concepción, 2007)En la búsqueda de soluciones integrales, que protejan a la madera y tableros de los agentes abióticos y bióticos, se requiere que un alto número de variables interactúen a favor de un buen funcionamiento, entre otros ...
(2007-09)The behavior of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) when applying ultrasonic fields under three single frequencies (100, 500, and 1000 kHz), in order to establish the ...
(2008)Antarctic beech forests (Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forst.) Oerst.) have shown a major decline process in the past few decades, together with an important lack of specific studies on this type of forest. The aim of this ...
(2008)Se evaluó la actividad insecticida de extractos del fruto de Melia azedarach L. (Meliaceae) en distintos estados de madurez sobre Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Diptera: Drosophilidae), con miras a su uso potencial en ...
(UNIV BIO-BIO, WOOD ENGINEERING DEPT, 2008)The behavior of the termites was analyzed when applying sonic and Ultrasonic waves with different frequencies, levels of energy. and waveform to establish the conditions to create a physical barrier to the action of the ...