Photoreduction of oxoisoaporphine dyes by amines: Transient-absorption and semiempirical quantum-chemical studies

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Fuente, J. de la
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Photoreduction of oxoisoaporphine dyes by amines: Transient-absorption and semiempirical quantum-chemical studies
Photoreduction by amines of oxoisoaporphine dyes occurs via a stepwise mechanism of electron-proton electron transfer that leads to the metastable N-hydrogen oxoisoaporphine anion. During photoreduction that occurs from the triplet manifold of the oxoisoaporphine, a radical ion A(-*), a neutral-hydrogenated radical A-NH*, and the metastable ion A-NH- of the oxoisoaporphine are formed. We present time-resolved spectroscopic data and quantum mechanical semiempirical PM3 and ZINDO/S results for the transient species formed during the flash photolysis of oxoisoaporphines in the presence of amines. These calculations reproduce adequately the experimental spectra of the triplet-triplet absorption near 450 nm, and that of neutral hydrogenated radical of the studied oxoisoaporphines centered at 390 nm. A transient absorption observed near 490 nm, for all of the studied systems, was explained by considering the formation of radical ion pair between the radical anion of the oxoisoaporphine, A(-*), and the radical cation of the amine, whose ZINDO/S calculated spectra generate the strongest transition near the experimentally observed absorption maximum at 490 nm, supporting the formation of a radical ion pair complex as the first step of the photoreduction.
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