Bioquímica de suelos derivados de cenizas volcánicas. VI. Determinación de hidratos de carbono.

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Aguilera S., S. María
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Bioquímica de suelos derivados de cenizas volcánicas. VI. Determinación de hidratos de carbono.
A first prospection was made of the content and identity of the carbohydrates in Chilean soils. Seven volcanic and two alluvial soils were selected. Determinations, by the Anthrone method, were done of free carbohydrates and, after acid hydrolylis of the soil, of total carbohydrates. Total carbohyfrates turned out to be greater in volcanic than in alluvial soils; their amount is high in relation to that appearing in the literature, and it correlated closely with the O.M. On the other hand, the content of free carbohydrates is higher in alluvial soils. The carbohydrates in the Chilean soils under study represent a percentage of the organic carbon that lies in the ranges described for other soils. Carbohydrates were identified in soil hydrolisates by Gas-liquid chromatography and using trime-thylsilylated derivatives.
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Agricultura Técnica (Chile) 47(3): 240-247