Is There Labor Market Discrimination Among Professionals In Chile? Lawyers, Doctors And Business-People
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Sanhueza Riveros, Claudia
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Is There Labor Market Discrimination Among Professionals In Chile? Lawyers, Doctors And Business-People
This paper presents a complete analysis of the gender differences in
three Chilean professional’s labor market: Business, Law and Medicine.
In the analysis, we utilize a new and rich data set collected for this
effect. This data set contains information on labor market outcomes
(including labor history), on schooling attainment and schooling
performance and a complete set of variables characterizing the family
background of the individuals in the sample. In addition, the survey
contains an individual test on non cognitive abilities. Following recent
studies we took Rotter (1966) and Rosemberg (1965) tests for noncognitive
abilities and we constructed two measures of non cognitive
abilities. One is related to self control and the other is related to selfesteem.
Our results show that differences in wages attributed to gender are
only present in the Law profession. In the Business/Economics
profession a vector of current family condition makes the gender effect
disappear and in Medicine taking into account hours worked, size of
the firm and region make also the gender gap vanish. In addition, we
show that the level of self control is a relevant variable in explaining the
distribution of earnings.
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Serie Documentos de Trabajo N 264