Translation numbers for a class of maps on the dynamical systems arising from quasicrystals in the real line

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Aliste Prieto, José
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Translation numbers for a class of maps on the dynamical systems arising from quasicrystals in the real line
In this paper, we study translation sets for non-decreasing maps of the real line
with a pattern-equivariant displacement with respect to a quasicrystal. First, we establish a
correspondence between these maps and self maps of the continuous hull associated with
the quasicrystal that are homotopic to the identity and preserve orientation. Then, by using
first-return times and induced maps, we provide a partial description for the translation set
of the latter maps in the case where they have fixed points and obtain the existence of a
unique translation number in the case where they do not have fixed points. Finally, we
investigate the existence of a semiconjugacy from a fixed-point-free map homotopic to the
identity on the hull to the translation given by its translation number. We concentrate
on semiconjugacies that are also homotopic to the identity and, under a boundedness
condition, we prove a generalization of Poincaré’s theorem, finding a sufficient condition
for such a semiconjugacy to exist depending on the translation number of the given map.
The author acknowledges support from a CONICYT doctoral fellowship and grants: ECOSCONICYT
C03EC03, Nucleo Milenio P04-069-F, ANR Crystal Dyn and Basal-CMM.
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Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. (2010), 30, 565–594