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Sumi, T.
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- Sumi, T.;
- Bennett, D. P.;
- Bond, I. A.;
- Udalski, A.;
- Batista, V.;
- Dominik, M.;
- Fouqué, P.;
- Kubas, D.;
- Gould, A.;
- Macintosh, B.;
- Cook, K.;
- Dong, S.;
- Skuljan, L.;
- Cassan, Arnaud;
- Abe, F.;
- Botzler, C. S.;
- Fukui, A.;
- Furusawa, K.;
- Hearnshaw, J. B.;
- Itow, Y.;
- Kamiya, K.;
- Kilmartin, P. M.;
- Korpela, A.;
- Lin, W.;
- Ling, C. H.;
- Masuda, K.;
- Matsubara, Y.;
- Miyake, N.;
- Muraki, Y.;
- Nagaya, M.;
- Nagayama, T.;
- Ohnishi, K.;
- Okumura, T.;
- Perrott, Y. C.;
- Rattenbury, N.;
- Saito, To.;
- Sako, T.;
- Sullivan, D. J.;
- Sweatman, W. L.;
- Tristram, P. J.;
- Yock, P. C. M.;
- Beaulieu, J. P.;
- Cole, A.;
- Coutures, Ch.;
- Duran, M. F.;
- Greenhill, J.;
- Jablonski, F.;
- Marboeuf, U.;
- Martioli, E.;
- Pedretti, E.;
- Pejcha, O.;
- Rojo, P.;
- Albrow, M. D.;
- Brillant, S.;
- Bode, Michael;
- Bramich, D. M.;
- Burgdorf, M. J.;
- Caldwell, J. A. R.;
- Calitz, H.;
- Corrales, E.;
- Dieters, S.;
- Dominis Prester, D.;
- Donatowicz, J.;
- Hill, K.;
- Hoffman, M.;
- Horne, Keith D.;
- Jørgensen, U. G.;
- Kains, N.;
- Kane, S.;
- Marquette, J. B.;
- Martin, R.;
- Meintjes, P.;
- Menzies, J.;
- Pollard, K. R.;
- Sahu, K. C.;
- Snodgrass, C.;
- Steele, I.;
- Street, R.;
- Tsapras, Y.;
- Wambsganss, J.;
- Williams, A.;
- Zub, M.;
- Szymanski, M. K.;
- Kubiak, M.;
- Pietrzynski, G.;
- Soszynski, I.;
- Szewczyk, O.;
- Wyrzykowski, L.;
- Ulaczyk, K.;
- Allen, W.;
- Christie, G. W.;
- L. DePoy, Darren;
- Gaudi, B. S.;
- Han, C.;
- Janczak, J.;
- Lee, C.-U.;
- McCormick, J.;
- Mallia, F.;
- Monard, B.;
- Natusch, T.;
- Park, B.-G.;
- Pogge, R. W.;
- Santallo, R.;
We present the discovery of a Neptune-mass planet OGLE-2007-BLG-368Lb with a planet–star mass ratio of
q = [9.5 ± 2.1] × 10−5 via gravitational microlensing. The planetary deviation was detected in real-time thanks
to the high cadence of the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics survey, real-time light-curve monitoring and
intensive follow-up observations. A Bayesian analysis returns the stellar mass and distance at Ml = 0.64+0.21
andDl = 5.9+0.9
−1.4 kpc, respectively, so themass and separation of the planet areMp = 20+7
−8M⊕ and a = 3.3+1.4
−0.8 AU,
respectively. This discovery adds another cold Neptune-mass planet to the planetary sample discovered by
microlensing, which now comprises four cold Neptune/super-Earths, five gas giant planets, and another sub-
Saturn mass planet whose nature is unclear. The discovery of these 10 cold exoplanets by the microlensing method
implies that the mass ratio function of cold exoplanets scales as dNpl/d log q ∝ q−0.7±0.2 with a 95% confidence
level upper limit of n < −0.35 (where dNpl/d log q ∝ qn). As microlensing is most sensitive to planets beyond
the snow-line, this implies that Neptune-mass planets are at least three times more common than Jupiters in this
region at the 95% confidence level.
This work is supported by the grant JSPS18253002 and
JSPS20340052 (MOA). T.S. was supported by MEXT Japan,
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 18749004 and Grant-in-
Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, “Development of
Extra-solar Planetary Science,” 19015005. D.P.B.was supported
by grants AST-0708890 from the NSF and NNX07AL71G from
NASA. The OGLE project is partially supported by the Polish
MNiSW grant N20303032/4275 to AU. Work by A.G. was
supported by NSF grant AST-0757888. Work by B.S.G., A.G.,
and R.P. is supported by NASA grant NNG04GL51G Dave
Warren provided financial support for Mt Canopus Observatory.
C.H. was supported by Creative Research Initiative Program
(2009-0081561) of National Research Foundation of Korea
(CH). B.-G.P. and C.-U.L. were supported by the grant of Korea
Astronomy and Space Science Institute.
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/125444
DOI: doi:10.1088/0004-637X/710/2/1641
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The Astrophysical Journal, 710:1641–1653, 2010 February 20