Bayesian Spatiotemporal Context Integration Sources in Robot Vision Systems

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Palma Amestoy, Rodrigo
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Bayesian Spatiotemporal Context Integration Sources in Robot Vision Systems
Having as a main motivation the development of robust and high
performing robot vision systems that can operate in dynamic environments, we
propose a bayesian spatiotemporal context-based vision system for a mobile
robot with a mobile camera, which uses three different context-coherence
instances: current frame coherence, last frame coherence and high level tracking
coherence (coherence with tracked objects). We choose as a first application for
this vision system, the detection of static objects in the RoboCup Standard
Platform League domain. The system has been validated using real video
sequences and has presented satisfactory results. A relevant conclusion is that
the last frame coherence appears to be not very important in the tested cases,
while the coherence with the tracked objects appears to be the most important
context level considered.
This research was partially supported by FONDECYT (Chile) under Project Number 1061158.