Comprehensive specification of distributed systems using I5 and IOA
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Bastarrica Piñeyro, María Cecilia
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Comprehensive specification of distributed systems using I5 and IOA

Low level di_culties in the development of dis_
tributed systems that are due to non_standard com_
munication protocols and incompatible components or
platforms have largely been solved through standardiza_
tion and commoditization of protocols and platforms_
Distributed systems are being designed at higher levels
of sophistication these days_ and having an expressive
yet usable speci_cation language is a valuable tool_
IOA is a formal language for specifying the seman_
tics of distributed systems_ I is a speci_cation frame_
work for architectural de_nition of distributed systems_
also intended as a basis for con_guration management_
I has _ve levels that specify mainly the structural
characteristics at di_erent levels of abstraction_ but I
does not address the semantics or dynamics of dis_
tributed systems interactions_ We explore the integra_
tion of IOA and I to create combined speci_cations
that enjoy the bene_ts of both speci_cation languages_
the _ve di_erent levels of abstraction of I with their
structural speci_cation capabilities are enhanced by a
semantic speci_cation written in IOA_ We show an ex_
ample of a speci_cation developed using IOA and I in
an integrated way_ We consider general approaches to
such integrated speci_cations and discuss the possibili_
ties and limitations of integrating IOA and I_ as well
as our future work towards the complete integration_
General note
Artículo de publicación ISI
DOI: DOI: 10.1109/SCCC.2000.890394
ISSN: 1522-4902
Quote Item
Computer Science Society, 2000. Pp. 74-82